Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Eight-Thirty to Nimbin

Monday, September 06, 2004
The Eight-thirty to Nimbin

Camp: Tuntable Creek/Falls Roads corner, 6kms east of, and overlooking Nimbin.

Awake from 5-30 AM – up by 6-45 or so.

Hear ABC hourly news update reports of suicide bombers holding an estimated 130-plus school-children in their southern Russian school gymnasium.

Hourly. Then detailed further by the “AM Team” (ABC RN. 7.00 til 7.30 AM Mon-Fri).

The 8-00 News………,

Then the Eight-30 school-bus to Nimbin, full-up with white Aussie, middle-class kids on board, chugs passed.

And I quietly weep for those 130-plus Russian school children.

What desperate conditions exist in the whole village/region and nation whence come these suicide bombers/Freedom Fighters, to have them become base enough to threaten the lives of this number of children?

Are we, of the easy-west, to condemn the suicide-bombers?

How many of us who condemn can possibly put ourselves into the situation where we must actively and collectively plan to possibly slaughter 130 kids, so that our own culture, however small, and it’s usually quite acceptable customs, may survive?

How many of us would resort to the same sort of treachery if our own culture was so near to complete destruction?

How surprised would you be, in the real light-of-day, to find how low and ready to go we supposedly Peace-loving, white Christian spoiled bastards would go if our “precious” piece-of-shit materialist culture was being destroyed in front of us.

From the 4th Century AD, the “Christian” empire has destroyed innumerable “evil” cultures, civilizations across whole continents of Spiritually, Fully-Enlightened Indigenous Peoples. Perhaps the best records of such events are those of the christian holy crusades (small-c-h-c) of the early centuries of the 2nd Millennium AD.

But for all it’s apparently achieved, our (western, materialist) culture is the worst on the planet.

That-is, our culture is the least respectful of “the Essences of Healthy Living" on such a planet.

Therefore, were one to be at all in Communion and Balance with their own Self and with the world around them, and thus fully cognisant of the enormous perils of accepting the Mammonic cult of Judeo-Christianity, one must, if in their right mind, urge the destruction of it and all the piss-poor attitudes ("hypnotic spells" in fact) that come with it.

What atrocities are on record of similar disgusting acts toward another race, creed or culture, by our culture?

Thousands – tens-of-thousands- but who wants to dredge them up?

Who can complete the Australian public’s understanding and knowledge about the innumerable similar raids and hostage-taking the west has enacted over the last 500 years since Columbus sailed the ocean blue?

For many westerners, the 98% dulled by the Judeo-Chrustian spells cast upon their sleepy, docile minds every Sunday from the church pulpit, spells which are the false impressions projected to underpin our current aberrant western system of putting mammon before the High Self, and thus lulled into a deeper, more gentle trance by the Fundamental Beauty of the purported ben Josephian line “Love Thine Enemy”, they (the 98%) cannot see the flipside realities of carnage, genocide and cultural destruction inflicted by their same Judeo-Chrustian cults upon the resource-rich 3rd world.

What’s more, singularly, it is through the “Christian” plunder and destruction of the resource-rich 3rd world, that the white 1st world of the last 2000 years, has been able to become so stinking rich, and to be able to so blindly, as-if-spellbound, abuse all the Natural Beauties and Wonder of the material planet.

Especially, if possible, in “someone else’s backyard”.

This totally un-ben Josephian cult behaviour by the Judeo-Chrustian west, has, of the last 500-to-1000 years succeeded in turning the culture totally against the Natural and Perennial Welfare of the Group, of the Whole Community, and instead, toward the “ranted and hypothesised” (by over-confident, church-indoctrinated zombies) true supremacy of the indefunctual-er-individual.

This is pure religious egoism – the very enemy of a Sound, Happy and Sustainable Society AND planet.

This sincere-if-spell-induced belief, growing and spreading like a cancer since “the Rennaissance” in Florence, Italy, has always depended upon the “inspired” egoism of the privileged brats-cum-artistes of the upper-class, which precludes and excludes any Crowning Egolessness of AUM to hold sway over dangerous materialistic addictions, and delusions.

This more-than suggests that Renaissance, post-Renaissance and “Enlightenment” “art” is pure vanity – counter Spiritual. Some might class the art of these era as: "a load of shit".

Considering the “Fallen” state of the Spiritual life in the (Judeo-Christian) west of the last four-or-five thousand years, across the “Fallen” Judeo-Christian empire-spread-landgrab – post-Fall ‘til the 14th Century CE, the Italian/ Florentine “Renaissance” was a bold attempt by the soppy (though sincere) spoiled brats of the Florentine elite and their courts, to lift a rotten church higher in People’s minds – with awe-inspiring artworks, architecture and shit-loads of “hocus-pocus” in the occult arts during all their ceremonies and performances, welding people’s minds to material impressions – speculations all – of “things” Spiritual.

Appropriate, post-Fall, but utter-deceits nearly all of it.

Bread-and-circuses, nearly all of it.

For the (middle-age) period’s need to ‘centralise’ power, away from witches and their warlords (“Fiefdom Inc.”) of every valley or clan, all-of-the-above were necessarily employed, for these were wild times, no doubt, with many a resistant clan and probably occult tribe giving as-good, if-not-a-lot-more, than they got.

(“Fiefdom Inc.” not far different from the war currently going on in almost every western nation on the planet between the worldwide policing powers-that-be, working under One Banner for the new era of “the Global Community” against the innumerable suburban and regional police fiefdoms. “Fiefdoms” which have been supportively behind social and governmental corruption in all states, for centuries, thwarting any true social progress purely in order to preserve their own mafia and gangland territories.)

“Belief” it can be Reasoned-out, has had to be “centralised”. “Unified” in the very least, which is the far Greater Goal.

This is a lot of what’s behind Judaism and it’s O.O.F. (Overt Offensive Force) –Christianity, the latter or both hijacked, I’d gazard-a-hess by the materialists – the sneaky “golden calf tribe”, to spread it’s capitalist, materialist, i.e., Mammonic false doctrine globally. (Capitalism: the art of capitalising upon the psychic weakness of those (Gentiles usually) they profit from. Bank clients and religious imbeciles particularly.) A cruel but arguably efficient way (or ways) to “round-up” any and all rebel, recalcitrant, resistant tribes, cultures and races, to being under one economic system of accountability, which is the only way to eradicate corruption.

The Jews and ‘t’others (including Islam), wrongly determine that a Christ will soon arrive to “flick-the-switch” and save us.

They fail totally to recognise that the accumulated knowledge of how to actually LIVE in a world Balanced in Body, Mind, Soul and Real Estate would one-day spread through and via the profound discoverers; Newton, Teslar, Einstien, George, et al, and their eventual publicity, to a “critical mass” of accumulated knowledge and application to create, invent (methods of ever-greater genocide mainly) sustainable lifestyles, and a golden calf tribe – 3rd Millennium version of the mutation – whence we have a world full of fabulously technologically fitted-out fuckheads, but better technologically fitted-out than ever before, the end-game of the utterly deluded "OUT THERE (somewhere?)" Christian cults of the last 1670 years, and still now are blundering along like blind sheep after some joker whose supposed to "rise again on the 3rd day" (could one Cosmic day be 1,000 years of our time???) and do "some magical fucking thing!" whence "everything will be honky-dory"?

All the while, which brings into serious question "the legitimacy, veracity and Virtue of the deceitfilled church and synagogue clergy", the simple unadorned FACTS, hard as rock FACTS, about surviving down on Malkuth, ECONOMIC FACTS, LAND & LABOR FACTS, about what all Earth-bound lifeforms need most of to live: LAND! are treated with scourn by the religions, on the pretext that these only distract people from their Spiritual Work.

It's impressions of the church like this, which have accumulated in mind over decades, based on the evidence, which have me say "FUCK THE CHURCH", and all connected with it. Let's test their "compassion" now????????

The FACTS ARE, we only "need" things like the "hocus-pocus" of today's western religions because they have colluded with the military establishments to deprive us of our Primary Need - the Right to til the LAND for a feed.

Clearly, the religions have deceived the masses for eons, and quite possibly for none-other than to greedily, psychopathically (like most of our corporate CEOs!) gain power over the rest of us to fit into their warped biblical "Revelation" occult prediction that only the 144 thousand "saved" (read "hypnotised") christians will go to Heaven, and the rest of us will be their slaves - like it is now, but with no Rights, no Freedom, no trust, no friendships, etc, etc.

The "Heaven" they speak of, is nowhere else but here on this very same planet. The "Heaven" they speak of, is one of a warped class-ified social order, with the white-supremacist christians at the top.

NO! NO! It’s not s’posed to end that way??????

………….to be continued………
assuming the church’s cannon-fodder don’t assault me again, like they did in the Lismore library last week!

Bitter and twisted all of them. Just what they’re trying to make of me…….


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