What the mainstream media DON'T TELL US!
Thursday, July 15, 2004
For some Godly Reason I am doing the Work few-if-any
other Human Beings are capable or brave enough to do.
That is, as the Australian Aborigines say "TALKING
TRUE", about the fundamental issues we ALL must
address if we are serious about World Peace.
World Peace doesn't mean molifying the present-day
egomaniacs, so they don't feel too shameful when
thinking about their grandkids etc.
World Peace is about setting the scene, of what we,
today, must do, so that the Human Species, as forlorn
as it has become, survives, not for fifty years, nor
two hundred years, but PERENNIALLY! That is for
further into the "future" than any of us can perceive
or imagine.
All of you, and this email goes primarily to the
Global and Local politicians and Media outlets, GET
ALL OF WHAT YOU DO, is egocentric!
It is not I, Max No Difference, who, of anyone on
Earth, can bring the whole fegging stock-market, and
it's mega-materialistic empires down, will bring it
down, but simply, the ignorance of the mass of YOU,
who refuse to face the HARD FACTS about what is
steering and mis-guiding the current planetary
By this I mean, it is time to stop the
self-flaggalation, or, WITH THE COMMAND, all your
fantasies will be brought to a serious and
unrebuildable HALT.
NOT by any radical Osama bin Laden, but by those
Warriors of our own nations who are already adjusted
to what YOU IMMATURE LOT refuse to prepare yourselves
(How's your Fat Latte, darlink?")
Whether you are a supposed SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS
JOURNALIST, a School Teacher, Priest or radical
"Left-Wing Unionist or Politician, the facts remain.
No matter how many fegging lawyers you employ, to
bullshit their way through the legitimate accusations
against your egomania, the Warriors are ready, VERY
READY, they're also VERY VERY ANGRY, and so, are
waiting for the WORD!
Across north and south America, across Australia,
Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa, and on........!
The ATTACHMENT I send with this missive, is what has
been sent to Osama bin Laden, via the ALJAZEERA.NET
news network.
It is the news that the media, western, middle or
eastern DON'T tell the People!
As it has been for several years the psychotic
plutocrats here and in Europe, the USA and Britain,
have employed all their dark forces to catagorise me,
Max No Difference, aka Max N Cook, as insane.
They, via their utterly fraudulant practices of
psychology, psychiatry and psycho-analysis, seem to
like to apply the hazy term 'schizophrenia'; the term
IN FACT most suited to THEIR profession(s) which
specialise in splitting the heart and mind of the
"patient" from his/her own Soul, in their shallow
(un)'scientific' sorcery which denies the existence of
"Soul", which, MUST YOU BE REMINDED, is what THE WORD
"Psyche" means in Greek (or is it Latin?)
Why, because I fearlessly challenge the Christian
Churches and their totally psychotic Land Thieves of
the English, European and American plutocracy's abuse
of the occult, sorcery, witchcraft, parapsychology,
conjuring, E.S.P., magic, against the masses, and
against Freedom Fighters wherever we threaten their
anachronistic Land-owning hegemony.
You will no doubt be 'spell-bound' enough from your
own church-based education-read-indoctrination, to
fear the loss of your precious little fegging incomes
to do the same, and challenge the evil-thereof
out-in-the-open, say what?
If any of you can grasp the realities of what this
does to us, that is the abuse of the SUPERNATURAL
POWERS, which we can readily find reference to in
and what such abuse is doing to the chances of our
Species survival, then GET OF YOUR FAT-CELLS and bring
it out, to the attention of the public!
If you refuse, because of your delusions of
selfishness and fear, you are spelling the end of
everything the Good People of History have sought to
establish, making an horrendous mockery of your own
existences and institutions and the otherwise Good
Forces behind them.
The Better Folk in Christianity and Judaism (deluded
and Satanically deceived though most of them are!);
The Better Folk in Islam, Buddhism, Taoism et al, et
al, ie., the Genuinely Religious, for one.
The understandably atheist fighters of the Unions and
their "left-wing" ilk, secondly, and the majority of
pre-colonialist Indigenous Peoples from all-over the
Planet, third-but-definitely-not-least!
All of you, to whom I address this email, and to
most-if-not-all your compatriots who read it, I'd say,
have been dragged-up through the western
"Private-School" system of indoctrination, and long
ago were coerced into unquestioning allegiance - YES?!
Yet look at the result!
Absolutely sickening 'pandering' to some of the most
smalmy-yet-MOST DEADLY FRAUDS, in what we call "The
professions" of Psychology, Psychiatry,
Psycho-analysis etc.
These scurges against the Mental and Spiritual Health
of the Whole Human Society are allowed by 'the media'
to get away with not just metaphorical murder, but
with out-and-out allegorical GENOCIDE, purely to
satisfy their own seriously ill, seriously deluded,
SERIOUSLY SPELL-BOUND minds-read-egos.
you know who I am..........
So do the Warriors of Truth, and they're waiting.....
If you want any fegging Messiah to come,
once more I scream,
For if He comes, and lays eyes on what you are
perpetuating, Oh Boy! Words fail me as to your fate.
Or the fate of your children, of your grandchildren
and on, and on.........
Denounce the professions of psychology, psychiatry and
psycho-analysis etc, to begin with, right across the
media, political, AND RELIGIOUS boards, OR YOU'LL
It is clear the "establishment" want me to raise my
powers because this (my) means of "Media" I call the
"ASTRAL MEDIA", exposes too much of their fraudulance
for them to bear.
To them, and all who are fooled into advocating that I
should do the same, I say "Get thee to your graves,
Yes..... Max is VERY VERY ANGRY.
What YOU gonna do about it??????????
Sell you're fegging motor-cars, to begin with.........
I sent an email to Steve Bracks on Monday 12th January
2004 suggesting in strong terms that, due to the
impending global ecological disaster our errant ways
of chewing-up the planet's resources seems set to
bring-on, he, and his counterparts have a Duty to Call
"A State of Emergency".
Anyone who laughs at such a suggestion, is possessed,
and should divorce themselves from their society
immediately, to spend AT LEAST three months in total
reclusion in a Buddhist, or similar 'ashram'. For
nothing the western money-makers-that-is-'professions'
of psychology, psychiatry or psycho-analysis offers
has a credible or genuine answer, cure, solution for
your mental illness.
I'm not 'priveleged' enough (Hark! The uninitiated
layman!") to be told what the latest 'theory' is from
the churches about the new world we have entered, now
so many of us have our occult, third eye open, but I
refuse to believe anything they have to say.
Especially about the notion of a Messiah!
If that word means anything, I reckon it means he, or
He, or indeed She, who will deliver to their mob,
clan, tribe or Species, THE MESSAGE, about how we CAN
AND MUST Live, ON EARTH, soas to Ascend or Attain to
the Higher Realms we know so-o much more about today
than we did just five-or-six years ago (Thank-you
Max!), whence we may Live in True Peace-on-Earth.
And where is THE MESSAGE!
IN YOUR FEGGING HEADS! "It's all in the Mind you
know!" to quote the Goons.
The True Purpose of this errant institution we call
Christianity (i.e., "the Religion of the Messenger"),
with all it's crimes against Humanity over the 1700
years (since the necessarily corrupting "Counsels of
Nicea") has been to bring us into the Light of Global,
or, Universal, Unity, where we can Commune together
across the Planet, and beyond to the Higher Realms of
Heaven, by means of Knowing the Basics about "How To
Live In Peace".
Even however, the dickheaded spellbound shrinks and
their pharmaceutical sponsors are a part of that
erroneous road we must travel, soas for us to see the
error of our delusion of 'free will', and delusions of
granduer of being, like the fallen angel Satan, set in
the belief that we are superior to the Highest Tao,
YHVH, Allah (Blessed and Hallowed Be His Name), and
that we can supposedly do a better job on Earth.
Quite obviously, or haven't you looked lately, we are
NOT capable of doing a better job than AUM.
"Vanity, vanity, it's all vanity!" cried the
Shakespearean character.
The Angels here in Hell, are warning you to
Or your projeny will pay the consequences!
If any of the Christian Churches and their leaders are
Genuine, then they MUST denounce the 'professions' of
psychology, psychiatry and psycho-analysis, and 'evil'
to use their terminology.
While they are at it, I Call them, to do the same with
that other 'profession' of lawyers. If the Churches
of Christianity cannot bring themselves to denounce
that which they have created, i.e., the deceitful
professions, then they are exposed as 'enemies of the
people', and needs-must be closed-down, or be
Hard Love
for Peace on Earth
Max No Difference
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