Dispelling The "Messiah Myth"
Mon 2nd August, ‘04
Over the last three or four days I’ve been aware that I had a virus of the ‘flu-type’, or was being attacked by some other cretin.
Last night was a heavy night.
I drove down to the “Coates industrial estate" on Sibley St to sleep, as I often do, in the van, o’course.
I felt OK at bedtime, but during the night I was awoken by a blocked and runny nose.
My sinus gland was pumping mucus overtime, making for a very uncomfortable situation..
Hankerchiefs were all used so I rsorted to toilet paper, and worse…..?
I guess this began in the early AM hours, for it was a long night of rolling, spitting (into a bottle) nose-blowing, and eventually, ‘though it is interesting that this didn’t happen ‘til after daybreak, I could feel an ‘alien’ energy 1st in my stomach, then after the first vomit, the foreign little demon (we’ll call him “Peter”) seemed to get really aggressive in my lower digestive system.
I was involuntarily dry-wretching for a minute or so, only waning when I squatted and tensed my abdomen muscles.
As the dark night (it was a brilliant full moon actually, and cloudless) wore-on, I detected some ‘alien’ agitation in my nasal mucus glands!?
I realised this was an occult attack on the mucus glands to simulate a ‘flu’ virus-like reaction.
I focused my attention (finally) on the thought of retracting or closing-down that nasal gland, and quick enough, my nose cleared, and as at 9AM is still fairly dry. (As at 2-45PM, it’s trashed again, indicative of a real virus, I must say).
For at least 5 hours I’ve had a headache, of either a tobacco-grog hangover (but a very mild dose last night), or again that headachy discomfort typical of the flu.
So, one is left but to assume I HAVE the flu, and that the strength-sapping effects are being played-upon by “the alien energies!”
The discomfort of last night is not new to me. We’ve all been “flueey-pooey”.
However ----------------
The “alien attack” I refer to is of the occult variety, projected onto myself, or, my mind, by a bunch of crude-dudes - most all being of the “private-school” indoctrinated variety, like “Peter”, a supposedly "freakish-jerk-off" who has appeared in Nimbin in the last year, and has been harassing me since, with utterly non-sensicle questions/statements etc.
All done purely, I’m sure, to “diminish” my self-confidence - a critical means of defence against black magic of the Christian warp. He's also unrelenting in trying to “steal my light” as a witch might say of a vampire, (he’s often jerking himself about in the café. It’s obvious he’s staying active to ward-off the same kinds of attacks) by moving in-and-out of my “personal boundaries”, serving it’s purpose, as is made obvious by his little demonic laugh whenever he manages to distract me from reading or such.
Whenever I try for a sensible conversation, he fucks-it-up quite deliberately.
There is no doubt he is “on a mission” and if so it's from/for the Catholic church (he said he’s Catholic, but he could be anyone of them. He "smells" Catholic.)
I assert, Peter is a fraud, an occultist of no Good Intentions.
Although in his defence, he, like all followers of the “Messiannic cults”, is psychologically very astray AND psychopathically ill (due to the “original flaws” of Abramic religions). "Forgive him Lord, ....for he knows not...........!"
But typically, he can’t see beyond the Catholic’s occult hypnotism and indoctrination.
I assume the Vatican, Canterbury, Chicago and Tel Aviv are aware of these points about the typical moronic-zombie, under a religion's spell. Are they aware of the dangers to Humanity though? If they are, then they'd be very aware of that which they call Satan............
Also, the whole premise of Judaism and Christianity is that “one day” God will reappear as the Man-God Messiah in-the-main apparently, to save a 4000-plus year old sick religious cult from it’s very-own ignorance, and from the now evident repercussions of 4-plus Millennia of many dangerously flawed beliefs, theories and doctrines, that can be seen for what they are, is overflowing with roaring gaps in it's logic and Wisdom.
An anarchistic, totally chaotic evolution of the Human Species, which needs Good Christian Crusaders to "save the heathens from themselves", be-the heathen Arabs or Aborigines or the Iraqis of today, is what the dumb-fuck Christian believe is their Mission. The Reality, the Truth if-you-like, is exactly the opposite.
Too many Cultures the Christians have plundered and overrun, were, pre-invasion, quite Balanced, Harmonious and Spiritual Cultures. Civilisations indeed! There predominated Profound Reverence for the Spiritual Forces of Nature, of Man (Humans) and of the Gods, and a Powerful, Whole-of-Community Will to Work with the Higher Powers, Gods, God.
..Then along came the missionaries..................
We've all been sucked-in by charismatic charlatans, yet even after the hardest of lessons, many more than will admit it, we keep "a quiet eye open" for that Hero who might Lift us beyond the misery we see all round.....
This is so typically western as a way of thinking..... looking OUT for INNER Peace!?
"Looking OUT for INNER Peace!?" With all the counter-Spiritual "fruits":
"DIRECT FROM ISRAEL! -Loose-mind-mania!"
Was it the Golden Calf they ate? Perhaps it had BSE? (Bovine Yonis or "MAD COW" disease?)
How sick are they?
Criminally, beyond the order of the worst war-criminals.
The thing most to be feared about the Judeo-Christian (unholy) alliance, is that, (like last night for myself) they will resort to anything in the vain (as in “vanity”) attempt to keep their crumbled religions afloat.
(EDIT: 6th August '04: I must say that that night events drove me to this little bloge-ssay, and since this e-ssay has been published, a week or less now, I've been hassled by the "straights", who seem to exude either the Christian spell or right-wing conservativeness. Wherever they have acquired their occult powers, through the Satanic Christian flocks, or some psychopathic town 'elder' is of no interest here, clearly they've been projecting occult onto my bwrain to piss-me-off.
What they hope to gain from that has innumerable possibilities, but one likely one is that I will "loose-it" and crown one of them with an iron bar. I'd go to jail or the psyche-hospital as a Demon-possessed maniac, to whit I could not argue, for it would be these same arseholes who're projecting into me to send me off-the-rails.
I wish, but I'm sorry, I see their plan, close to success as it was, and as of the last twenty years, I have not yet lost it and murdered anyone, and will endeavour to maintain that Pledge to myself into the future.
The whole of Jewish and Christian religion’s existence, all it’s war-crimes, and an immense (investment in a “theoretical?!” - FAAAARRRKKK!?!?!?!) reputation, is vested in and depends solely upon “A Messiah!”
That’s a lot of dependence, wealth and power for any individual to safely and Wisely handle.
What if, in Truth, the very notion of a Messiah, a ridgey-didge World Saviour, was wrong?!
(APAPLEXY*^$#&(*&^$^%$!!!!???) (Tremors under Rome!)
In religious idiots, being as they are, such a question sparks all sorts of spell-based, violent reactions from them. Because these "Messiannic" religions have gotten too big to possibly “manage” any such Truth, or thus to maintain ANY Spiritual Wisdom, bringing-forth such quite valid questions are rejected-point-blank.
If you observe such antics by Jews and Christians to avoid the Truth, you may well see a “puppet-master’s” spell at work, tugging and jerking fools all over the place, before they, Christians anyway, have a fit and start screaming “ONLY CHRISTIANS CAN GO TO HEAVEN!” and “JESUS IS THE WAY!?” etc.
Jews, I think are not in the same basket as "reborn" Christian.
So! Peter is in Nimbin to push me out, so I will be more accessible to the filthy and warped clasp of the religious anti-Christs - Jews and Christians, because they are paranoid about losing or of not having control enough (over the purported Messiah) to “manage” the situation of any Natural-thus-Truly-Arising Prophet. (A late addition, edit to this possibly puts "Peter" in quite another "basket", which I shall not identify now, and is dancing for two masters - the Micks, and Hmmmm?)
FOR THE CHURCHES KNOW, a Loose Prophet (or two?) - would bring the religions 1), to account, and 2), to their knees. She/He would bring down their dark empires - or at least “have a chat with ‘em,” about their errings………
Now hard as it is to do this blogthing on public library computers, an hour at a time ain't enough to make sure my "points" in these e-ssays are as clear and complete as I am seeing them in my head - y' un'erstand? So I maybe missing something in my case for the Non-Messiah.
But I think this suggests a contradiction - my posit that all Messianic religions are wrong, then talking about “loose Prophets” telling how to sort-out their mess, etc?
(I should know I s’pose, being the One these dumb-fuck religions reckon I am!?)
Maybe I am?! (Core-flummox-me?)
If I am, I am right in these analyses.
What a laugh I’d have, watching and listening to the clergy go freakin' NUTS with language to counter these postulations, and “prove” they are wrong.
If I am, I’m Right.
So, why are the Christian churches now ------ setting to screw-me-over?
In December last year, I was finally told who the churches regarded as their, and of course Humanity’s deadliest enemy -
Yar! Bewdiful!!!!
For some ten years I’d been kept in the dark about this, and involuntarily sent on “missions” to “DESTROY THE EVIL ONES!” by the church.
I began riding a motorbike at 17 years of age, unlicensed, unregistered, NO laws, and a fast BSA 500cc single (B-50-SS unit construction ’71 model), in 1973.
I cut my teeth so-to-say with ex-Angels some 20 years-plus my age.
I fucking KNOW, you blind religious fools, that dudes like Hell's Angels ARE NOT as evil in their hearts as possibly the majority of the clergy. Most of the clergy wouldn't be aware of who is making their opinions for them. Ie., they're under hypnotic spells.
"Evil" is the very same as religious ignorance.
Since I was told about the Angels, in December last, I've seriously considered what my next step should be.
I'll tell you I've come to a dead-end in trying to properly "connect" with those I dared percieve as my "allies", after ten years of their, and my unknown enemies continuous lying and fuckheadedness toward me.
I guess, though am not sure, I should make note of all the fuckheads who wouldn't tell me about the Angels, who because of the Satanism of the heirarchy of Judaism and Christianity (themselves under ancient hypnotic spells) the general Jew or Christian is 'programmed' to come-on SHIT-SCARRED if their totally warped "puppett-masters" want it. So they'll mess themselves big-time if the sorcerer tells 'em these bikers are Satanic. Why? Because "they LOOK so evillllll?!!?!?"
"Making note", is saying thank-you to them, and is about as much as I can profer, these days, ALL THINGS CONSIDERED!
So, for the last ten years or so, in the eyes of the dumbfuck western religions, I have been "helped"?
Also, while this gross deception prevailed (as it had to, damn it!) for some six years minimum, a "lifeline" was still available to me, through some media addresses (I can't call them 'contacts' ) I had, and, also, after a period of about 3 to 5 years of the fucking church(es) IN ALL IT'S WISDOM (!?) binding ALL it's secondary private-school students and those from a church education to regard me as Satan incarnate, and thus I lost too much to mention - ALL Human associations, friendships, family and all my possessions - after 3 to 5 years the church had a "change of heart"?!
So for six years or so, they've been pushing me psychically to do the True Work they're all too fucked-over in their heads to do for themselves.
PLEASE MAXIE, save us from THEM! The EVIL ONES!!!
Now, since hearing about my Brothers (a qualified use of the word "Brothers", having not been a rider for years, and having never actually joined any club, but used in the knowledge that we live and ride in the same Spirit of Freedom), the Angels, as I said, I considered MY options, but more importantly, the implications and ramifications of either one over the other choice.
I chose correctly.
Therefore, instead of the churches "searching their Souls" for where they fucked-up, they adopt the spell of stubborn reactionary and violent objection, which is exactly and Satanically what they threw at me last night.
The Anglican and Catholic "gangs" are low mothers no doubt about it, AND are perhaps the most deeply deceived and deluded religious mobs on Earth. They've been around in various disguises for 1700 years - AND STILL CAN'T GET IT RIGHT!!!!?
Fuck 'em.
Well, they got some things half-right, but these last 1700 years would test the Best of them.
Notice that such unrelenting decay and abject ignorance, was never such a problem in, for example, China, India and other "eastern" cultures, before the invaders and their evil "Missions" came?
"The more you deceive yourselves about ANYTHING,
.......the more you deceive yourselves about EVERYTHING!!!
(Quote me 1999 Victorian State election slogan)
Christian doctrine is riddled with flawed ideology, as well as with gross misinterpretations of Scripture. So it is obvious that such "Fine" dialogue, such delicate language containing anything of a Spiritual Truth (perhaps from some Wisdom gene) which elucidates Truth to lesser or unawakened ears, will be beyond them.
Added to this is my assertion that Christianity is in fact an occult sect of Judaism.
Stre-etchin' it a bit, a bloke could almost postulate that Christianity is in fact one which grew from quite deliberate intentions of ancient Israel, to counter-attack the invading Romans, and thus is militarist in intent. If there's any merit in such a wild postulation, this makes Christianity even less credible as a Genuine "G-O-D" centred religion.
The Holy Roman Empire, that grew from missionaries from Israel (?), is a prime example of a flawed ideology. And what is the REAL state of Life in Europe these days? Just ask all those who emigrate!
Good on yer Christians!?
Immediately I know many will react with argument for "ALL THE BENEFITS!" so-screamed of the likes of the long Roman Empire(s).
But let's be real? History tells us now that four thousand years (5, 6, or 7 thousand if you like) for one civilisation, perhaps even a daintily refined one like the poonse-plagued west, is nought, nothing, zilch, zero, in "Mature" terms, in "Enlightened" terms, when compared to an ancient-that-is-twenty-thousand year old Culture, or as Our Precious Aborigines SIXTY thousand years, perhaps 100 thousand and more.
Then there's the Garden of Eden??????? How long was that around before the Fall???
And what was It, that held it together for.....................e....o....n....s?
(Surprise me George Bush and agree?!)
Yet more!
"Religions" per se, are but the last, lowest remnant of any Genuinely Spiritual Culture. Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching" makes clear reference to religions rise from the fall of Spirituality in the People. (Sorry I can't access it here-and-now to quote Him.)
That People find the need to make religion such an overt, prominant part of their and other people's lives, betrays the Subtle Nature of such "Stuff", for it is the most Personal Trip if-I-may, and is reduced in Quality if overtly displayed like the "western" mobs do. Yeshue said something about that too, aye?
To Understand this is to be a Taoist.
For, I believe that Tao, as-it-were, was not openly worshipped in the days before the world became ingulfed in the 20th Century "Industrial Wars Period", and the Communists clamped-down on "superstitous" religious practices. It was quietly Revered in all the People did, and was prayed to, offered Blessing to, in the "Altar-Room" in People's own homes. Temples existed, but were not I think visited every Sunday or such, en masse. More they were Quiet Places for Peaceful Contemplation. This Order I example, of China, reflects, assuming it is accurate, the Wisdom of China as a Nation, and ancient Nation, but perhaps more, an ancient Culture.
However, let's be BALANCED also, for I know China has been through many of it's own stormy periods too, and if I were anyone else I'd be snowed with those "email blocking thinees" telling me about the millions who died in the dark times in the mystic east, etc. Fair enough.
Whatever you believe, and maybe be able to prove, I put it that the Chinese Mind is in a far better condition than the western mind, or, again, was, before the British dealt their way in. And had been for MUCH longer, than the Judeo-Christian, western cult.
Clearly there is something Basic, Fundamental about such very-much older Cultures than the west is, and it seems to me that the sustainability of these "eastern" Cultures, is due to their never having lost the "Silence of God" within, or the ability and recognition of the importance of the Still Mind, to All Life.
Birds do It, Dogs do It, koalas do It, Lions, Eagles, Polar Bears do It, so why don't WE do It, (yeah..... "and fall in love....". Funnily enough, the Stillness aforementioned, is the same.)
Western religions have wandered a torturous and twisted road - from Eden, but Judaism and Christianity fell right-of-the-Spiritual-cliff long before Yeshua ben Joseph flew-in. And 2000 years longer-ago than the use of the word, "religion" came into use when refering to Cults, Orders etc.
[See my e-ssay "Free the Churches! FREE THE PEOPLE!" at my weblog site:
Having invested huge amounts of time, thought, money and action, not to mention the verbose self-flagulating rhetoric of supposedly "High Thinking" People, People who are known to most as "really missing the mark!", (though personally, I must say.............., I've had lovely conversations with them usually, uptil 1996), invested thus, managing my "messiah spell" if-you-like, the broadest Christian church is, (and now-a-days, Judaism and Islam) since my recent "renunciation" as-it-is, upset!?
("I Abdicate!" I had on back of my van through Autumn of 2004.)
This, totally aside form my five year long rebuttle of the very notion of a "Messiah", really gives them something to Struggle with..............
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