Wednesday, September 22, 2004

What of your political beliefs are True? "Sins of Religion" series

This I wrote in ’97, pissed-off with an advertisement or something.

What, of your beliefs about this western social and economic system are founded upon Absolute Truth?

You can answer this question only if you are 100% honest with your Self.

Yet how many of us are that? Cast the first stone if you dare!

The first stone must be cast not at any but your self.

Look at our beliefs, and ask, "Are they 100% true and correct?"

The whole western system is based on Christ's or God's Wisdom, not however, to bring you Peace; nor even Happiness, but that we may progress beyond the primitive lifestyle of a passed era.

Today, we have achieved that state, where we have more than enough technology to enable each Human Being to live in a Way befitting the Highest Level necessary for Humanity to ascend to a Truly Peaceful and indeed Spiritual realm.

Technology may yet make the world a better place, yet it is snowballing beyond what we need, having, through the materialist's marketing juggernaut, created it's own perpetual motion.

Technology and it's produce has always been simply a tool for our Human improvement, so we may come closer together as One Planet, and at last find (Spiritual) Peace and Harmony.

We are here to live in Harmony, not to be continually competing with each other.

Yet technology and the materialist's marketing juggernaut have supplanted our Real Purpose, (which is to find our way back to our True Spiritual Nature of Peace and Social Harmony), with incorrect and dangerous beliefs about desiring a bigger car, larger house and ever more wealth, as the only means, or the only source of Happiness.

A competitive society will never carry us back to the Father of our Soul, but what do the politicians ceaselessly push us to accept?

"We must be more competitive!" they tell us.

Oh if just 5% of us were awake to this lie.

You, no matter how much you turn away from politics and the broader social issues, can see that the world is going crazy. Which is exactly why you turn away, yes?

The reason is simply that we have been duped by the materialists to believing that Happiness and Peace can only come from more technology and materialism, etc.

You Know this is false, yet because of the lies, or at best the half-truths the church tells us about God, you choose to accept the trivial and temporal things which for a short time, make you happy in your own small (and smaller) world, rejecting any notion of Spirituality, to the point of atheism, whence you end up fumbling along in dread of being left to challenge your own manmade dreams and fears.

(25th Sept '04 edit: The last paragraph might be wrongly taken to infer I'm saying "atheism" is for losers. That's not at all the inference Atheists should draw, and has never been my feeling on them. Unlike a reformed smoker, I don't deride those of whom I was once one. Indeed, years ago I put it to the ABC's Phillip Adams [doyen of Australian Radio] that Athiests have a vital role in "keeping religion Honest".)

Any Real Man of Spirit, however, would inspire Courage in you thence have you abandon your illusory dreams and fears, for the One Wholistic Truth.

Yet fearful is exactly how the corrupt religions and politician's masters (the richest materialists) want you.

They have no True Understanding of what is, in the REALLY BIG PICTURE, actually going on.

They can only see as far as their hip pocket, and all the material power it brings them.

They definitely do not care about you or your partner or your children, no matter what they tell you.

Yet because of their material confidence, (self-small-s convincing), having themselves been fooled and lured by the world to follow others and not their True Self (Holy Spirit), they make it their business to become most persuasive "hypnotisers", and if they cannot convince you to follow them (so-as to support their own delusion), they can and will offer you "all the wealth of the world" to do so.

This is the very enemy of your own Soul, for your Soul wants not material wealth but Spiritual Wealth, which is a State of Being, in complete opposite to everything the most deluded thence quite satanic moguls of materialism offer.

This doesn't mean you should abandon all your material wealth.

Do not let your fears run amuck in your mind.

Today most people are very aware of the folly of too much.

Most of us know that too much (materialism) is trivial to that which brings Real Peace and Happiness.

All you need to do, that is what you must do, is stop accepting the lies our politicians and false economists keep thrusting at us about "the competitive society" and "the evils of Communism".

There are fundamentals we need to check; for example, the size and even need of a car, any "addiction" to materialism, our attachment to beliefs which, if placed under the "Spotlight of Truth", are dangerous to Life on Earth.

But it does not mean we have to become Communists or Greenie primitives.

All we have to do is vote for those parties who challenge the dated orthodoxy with a more Harmonious policy.

Harmonious to a Peaceful life for all living beings on Earth.

But be wary. For you know as much as any that politics today is as crooked as ever, and that for any new "party" to stand a chance, they must "kowtow" to the dominant political paradigm.

This however, is only because there are not enough of us, that is "the you's-and-me's of the world", who are prepared to stand up and vote for the people who can Advocate and Represent a Better, Spiritual Way.

I have been defamed too much over the passed ten years, merely for Standing Firm against political corruption, to enter politics, yet, sadly, I do not see anyone on or beyond the horizon who stands for the Truth about Economics and politics.

But they will come, be sure of that. and, whether in our lifetime or not, Justice and Peace will reign on Earth.

Until then, be True to your Self, which is the Same in All Creatures, for you and they are the Children of the One Supreme Spirit, the Father of Everything.

He is Truth and Love and Goodness.

Love Him before any thing, and you will be free.

May the Perfect Existence be Your Inspiration

Max N Cook. 25-11-97.

PS: Sept 15th ’04 edit: Sorry about the “Goddy” bits?

PPS: The bit near the end about being done over too much to enter politics, has been updated to say NOW, after too much shitte, I could not be bothered.........


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