Ode To True Democracy
Here's my latest poem, scribed just last night, Friday 22nd October, a mere 13 days after the tragic Australian federal election, where the Neo-Fascist Liberal Government was re-elected.
It follows my sojourn across the Australian political landscape of the last year or forty-nine-and-a-half.
Caught between Bikers and Truckers and fuck-witted mothers,
and the devil and the Deep Blue Sea.
Then there's Jews and Christians,
and paranoid Sisters,
and scarey astral monsters that I just don't see.
How I see it or believe,
is we're ALL trapped by our fears,
implanted by ancient ill-powered rabbinical hands,
That all of it's real and delusion
from minds of twisted witches run-amock,
when by fate severed from Heart's Homelands.
Jews and their christian crusaders
have abused all sorts of persuaders
to fuck-over the flotsam
minds-hearts-and-Souls of the flock.
And now we're at the Penultimate Moment
where for True Justice
the Strong must foment
All their Will
to put Yehovah and God in the dock.
To prosecute the religious psychosis
So to bring for ALL "The Garden" back into Focus
For the Highest Light to suffer no more
feeble man's mental block.
We have eight years to go,
if the Mayans really did Know,
the future and the "end of time".
All history is but memory,
is but living-in-the-past
an unreal mime,
Only "In-The-NOW"
from this chaos will we Climb
Back-up to a Heaven,
not merely one to believe-in,
but a Tangible Bliss
beyond all processes of mind.
To a True Democratic State
of Perennial Bienvenue
through the Pure and Simple Lore,
of Land Rent for Government Revenue.
For if we get down to Raw Facts
Earth needs no other tax
on our Labour or desires of mind.
"It's the Economy stupid!"
Fuck-off your religious cupids
and forever be away with the evils
the insane Judeo-Christians
always manage to find.
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