Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Testimony to fraudulant religion

That the whole world is increasingly embroiled in upheaval and destruction of many "old" ways and cultural standards;

that the christian religion is being exposed as being very-much behind the ANTI-Spiritual momentum of the 'expansionist' capitalist, materialist western or first world forces;

that the christian clergy of all sects and in-the-main many 'professionals' (ie., church educated) in the judiciary and other powerful institutions have been arrested for child pornography;

that the dangerous and perverted 'gay lobby' is almost completely composed of ex-church-school students;

that divorce rates of over 50% of all marriages undermine the purported values of any guidance or Spiritual tutelage by christian churches in western societies;

that the most blood-thirsty national heirarchy of the USA is under the spell and will of extreme-right-wing christian fundamentalism to commit it's cannon-fodder 'christian' armies to the mass-murder of ever-suffering Iraqi's, Middle-Eastern and west-Asian Arabic and Islamic Cultures - both, pre-western invasion, quite evolved Cultures, as were the 500-plus Australian Aboriginal Nations;

that the christian churches for decades and as likely centuries have in desperate search been trying to fabricate it's own saviour and manage him so-as to bolster and improve the long-rotten reputation of an essentially occult religion, and thus keep secure their rotten-but-very-"prestigious" social status, and that there are many more legally, ethically and Spiritually Sound arguments for the case of disbanding and/or banishing all catholic and protestant heirarchical and covenous institutions, is why I curse christianity and it's "puppet-masters" of Judaism.



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