Aborigine Kids in whitey schools?
Aboriginal Kids in whitey schools?
As this e-ssay goes out to sections of the 'foreign media' some of whom are within the United States of America, I urge them to contemplate the postulations here-in, of Max No Difference, for they apply exactly to the same-same mal-adaptations of education etcetera in that Fine Nation, the USA, pertinently at this time of the 2004 U.S. Presidential election!
While I respect Noel Pearson for all he is, and his high-profiled suggestion of sending Aboriginal Kids from remote Communities to high-class white boarding schools, usually perhaps in our cities (cities being, hardly the Shiniest example of whitey's cultural success?), a few arguments arise against any simplification and adoption of that/those ideas.
First and dominant in this e-ssay is probably the hardest argument to have heard, which is that while accepting fully the 'case-of-chaos' which prevails in those Communities of Noel Pearson's People, let's accept that the root-cause is NOT founded in the black-fella themselves, but in totally antithetical and and unacceptable invasions of Judeo-Christian 'ideologies' - theories ALL, from whitey.
To confirm such a view, analysis of 'whitey' is vital - Christian whitey - a whole culture planned, developed and evolved out of religious fallacies - perversions at-least, fallacies which are wrong beliefs about notions of a Heavenly Society, about what IS that 'fabled' "Garden of Eden".
A whole culture, which, on-the-surface - (enough to 'persuade' shallow minds of the spellbound flock) promotes some undeveloped, unexplored hypothesis called "Democracy", yet runs in complete and utter contradiction OF Democracy, and forces People - corrupted, unbalanced and good, to BELIEVE!!, without any exploration - Scientific or Philosophic, in ONE Human Leader, and Autocrat, a Benevolent Dictator, if-you-like.
The Messiah!?!?!? ("Oh, but [with 1700 years of rhetorical convolution] He is NOT Human - He's GOD!!"(?)
Now, as-it-'appens, outside of Judeo-Christian-ism, in many pre-western invasion Nations, including in Australia's 500-plus Aboriginal Nations as were before the "First Fleet" from a deeply fucked-up England in 1788, Democracy in a True Sense, of the Highest Order, had prevailed for several thousand more years BEFORE Eve and Adam sealed their descendant's fate at the infamous "Fall" from Eden.
No apologies for my convolutions. Just read it 'til you GET IT, whitey!
So, as far as I can see it, this/these facts throw into contention any idea of throwing Black Kids into (questionably) 'High-Class' CHRISTIAN boarding schools.
Now, and however, there is an argument for Noel's idea, in that the whitey cult is globally predominant and likes to believe it is ALL-POWERFUL, although I put NO faith in a cult which has acquired all it's apparent power from hood-winking it's own kind, in the 'flock', with entrancing lies and 'blackmail' - "If you want your 'inheritance', you must tow-the-lie---- er-line of ancient cultural deceit(s) and from 17-plus centuries of genocide."
Little wonder (that he is), John Howard won't say SORRY!! ("....Forgive him sisters, for he knows not.........")
What I'm saying, writing - e-ssaying, is that if Noel Pearson's concerns for his niece's and nephew's, his son's and daughter's future, and for his People's, his Culture's future, he must firstly stick with the (subverted by Christian lawyers) argument that the whitey education system, especially at the nobbyest top echelons must sort-out it's own deeply ingrained contradictions, before he advocates fucking-over the damaged minds, hearts and Souls of his mob, further with an utterly sophisticated (ie., "false") educational doctrine and set of aims.
Christian-fascism - or - Democracy?
I repeat: As this e-ssay goes out to sections of the 'foriegn media' some of whom are within the United States of America, I urge them to contemplate these postulations, for they apply exactly to the same-same mal-adaptations of education etcetera in that Fine Nation, the US of A, pertinently at this time of the 2004 Presidential election!
Everyone knows today how astray - how aberrant - how fucked-up whitey culture is - Judeo-Christian cult-ism.
So why on Earth would you Noel, want to condemn your Kin to the living Hell of whitey's "Sodom and Gomorrah"?
Better to Apply, if a 'western' whitey perspective must in some way be embraced, Better to Apply the Hearts, Minds and Souls of your Fine People to the 'til now buried (indeed Crucified), suppressed, oppressed and exiled Path of Yeshua ben Joseph's Gnosticism; the Path of Wisdom - through the Gnostic - "Knowledge" of Thine Own Self.
This Dear Noel, is as much the Foundation of Aboriginality, as it is the Path, the Way for dumb-fucked whitey and Our Collective Future.
You, Aborigine, and the rest of us, DON'T NEED cult religion, from here-on into the future.
Find your Roots, Aborigine, the exact Same-Same as "Be Still...., and Know, that I am God."
I'll always smile at the similarity in "I AM" and "AUM"...............
Allah Be Praised!
Max No Difference (who says it, just so long as IT IS SAID!)
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