Retirement Villages?
Thanks for the program!
My own parents are ensconsed in an "Applewood" complex, a retirement village on Tram Road, Doncaster, an eastern suburb of Melbourne.
A "locked community" as it goes, with high fences, security gates and intercoms, for the ever expanding number of apartments, thus residents.
I think residents have to be over a certain age - 55 maybe - and as it's a flash part of town, most are retirees from wealthy portfolios in corporate life, etc.
My folks are better-off than they'll ever tell me, but come from outside the private-school clique, upper-end mob who have bought-in to a corporate model of managing our "elderly".
Whether or not my folks feel right there, my concerns go to "who?" is behind this particular "village". I surfed the net last year and delved deeper than I now am able (time restraints), into the "Applewood" bunch.
I recall vaguely that they are a large US mob, and for some reason, I think there were "pharmaceuticals" and US religious connections. At least, now the best I can say is I suspect these possibilities.
One thing which I regard as VERY shifty, by my parents "landlords", Applewood, is that they demand, I expect it is written into the contract, sole "Internet Service Provider" "ISP" rights and control over ALL the owner-occupant's internet services??
This smells enormously to my suspicious political nose, and I am certain such organisations needs-must be investigated, in particular their connections to such as the US or European pharmaceutical corporations, "in-house" services, perhaps along the lines of "medical advice", with the fundamentalist US religions taking their share of, what amount to, enormous profits from the sales of the premises alone, let alone the after-sales services these rather "captured" tenants may be obliged to pay for.
The 'profits', outright theft in reality, combine somewhere up the money tree, into massive and powerful political lobby groups, not just offering governments lucrative contracts, but blackmailing them into allowing their choices of drugs, or housing models or religious education models.
As Applewood is American, and big, it cannot NOT be a part of these type of expansionist, fundamentalist groups, sects. And how many other same-same models operate here, and globally?
I gripe at the "model" of retirement villages, and all the housing available on such scales, to retiring, aging, and dying People?
Here are a few notes from the morning of your show:
The "Retirement Village" concept, is an extension of the "evil", "Familially-divisive" "nuclear family" model, which is a purely and totally callous social structure, designed singularly to profit the upper-class social controllers of the planet.
Retirement villages are no less than "Human harvesting" of the elderly from the utterly disrespectful youngers, like me, and from the Community generally.
The Elderly are the Proper Co-Dependants living with younger generations, and not just our one, two, three or four parents/grandparents!
The "retirement village" sections us off evermore from the utterly Natural "Extended Family" models practiced in the majority of communities globally.
As far as social support, or "social security" such as the pension, or dole: long-established families can be in the order of thousands in any one of the innumerable global regions, rich and poor.
So, this "Extended Family" is an ageless Family Model, and is in contrary to Australia and the USA, where few of us in Australia have large enough family networks to be able to let us "camp" here or there, when the "chips are down".
Work is also far more available in these environments, I suggest, but not work in the taxpaying sense.
Work is Essential to the animal frame we inhabit, and to our peace-of-mind, and to Higher Realms, but helps keep the wheels turning in each little attole we wander through, be it a cousin's home, factory or chicken-shed.
The extended family model, as it happens, is also the most economic way for a group of related people to exist, and prosper.
Well organised, it can be a genuine economic threat to the global market cartelliers, which as-it-appens, is why the large corporations prefer retirement villages and plenty of married, divorced, seperated and infighting nuclear families in little cells around their occult centres of power - cities, plebs who fail in their duty to their elders, because the social controllers have sent the world crazy, and now every household has serious generational disputes, with the young getting out as soon as they can, and the old being pushed into demeaning "paddocks" - retirement villages and homes?
Very profitable for their branch of social sedation - pharmaceutical corps.
It goes on and on.....
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