Catholic Church's Biggest Lie
Long time since thisa site wuz posted to, say what?
I don't know if anyone visits here anymore, I guess they must as it's still online.
Quite a deal has been exposed in regard to the shadey areas of my life since I posted the last on 1st March 2006, much to do with the Catholic church and it's outright fraudulence over my very own creation, that is ME!
St Josephs in Collingwood Melbourne Victoria, where my mother was taken that is STOLEN from her Father, after her mother died, has much to answer in regard to the treatment I've received over most of my life.
What have they being trying to build, but a patsy idiot, under their total occult sway, to become a magician (WOW!) and under their hypnosis, start bleeting that he's the returned Jesus!
Lately I figured out that they had Mum in store for this little charade, a long time before I was thought of, or born, having had my parents name my elder brother (by five years) "Ruler" of "the Army" of the "Great Lord", or, Donald Walter Meredith.
Albeit that, Don was my Mum's Father's name, and Walter was my Dad's Stepfather's name. I postulate that they tried to breed a suitably "structured" or psychicly manipulable child, suitable for their longterm purpose - of getting the filthy lying deceiving christian religion, including Catholics and Jews, out of the reality shit that "THE MESSIAH AIN'T COMING BACK, BECAUSE HE IT IS A FRAUDULENT CONCEPT!"
They tried with my brother Don (-ald Walter), but by five years of age they saw he wasn't going to cut it, so it was plied upon Mum, when Grand Pop died, to try once more, and I was the result.
Since then, for 52 years, I have been but a puppet to the church, and this is why I have been fighting any attempts to raise my Kundalini and engage fully with my already considerable occult powers, because I am not gonna play their occult games.
No real messiah was coming so the church decided they had to build one, and it turned out that after failing with Don, I am that patsy.
Lets not be too potentially egomaniacal here, for there's no doubt that the church has been trying to do the very same thing for some time, with the "wiser" ones seeing the fraud of the doctrine and dogma, and it's ignorance, deliberate or otherwise, of the True Holy Spirit in each of us, and the Power It possesses.
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