Labor lost for God
Labor lost because the "Prophet" heard 'religion' was seeking to make political capital from His Wisdom. 'Religion' being those (psychotic) materialists of the 'establishment' Christian churches, in Labor's case those same factions within the ALP.
He railed against ANYONE using Universal Truths for their own ends.
So, he turned to those He felt He could Trust, the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club - GLOBAL, unaware the Hell's Angels were long-perceived by his covert religious 'allies' as their-thus-His enemies.
He Knew (somehow?), He could Trust the H.A., to straighten-out His (global) dilemma of fundamental, ingrained Grassroots injustice.
Ingrained injustice long covered-up and fiercely protected by those who purport to represent the Supreme (AUM) on Earth - in the western Judeo-Christian religions.
He Knew these ('cult') religious forces were intimately involved in preventing a-if-not-THE Keystone to Human and Global Justice, from being elevated to It's rightful place -
Religion holds enormous speculative investments in Land ownership, which is, as much as anything, what holds-up the current religious heirarchies of the planet, in their "high-flyer" minglings with the powerbrokers and excessively rich. Usually the 'landocracy'.
Few Christian clerics are That Deep as to be Enlightened in God, so-to-say, therefore their partaking of the super-rich society, little as it may be, is maintained by the continual compromising of Spiritual Values, little as they know or Truly Live by Them.
Added to this scenario of mammonic dilution, has been the centuries, in waves, of perceived as necessary occultism from within religion. Deep within religion, and maintained by those at the very top of church and synagogue. Or at least very close to those who write the pontificate spin, etc.
These are expert 'philosophers'. Sophists in truth, who've probably all-their-lives been under the hypnotic spell of a churchman, from some time in their church-or-synagogue-attending youth. So it goes, that the victim becomes the perpetrator against another vulnerable - child?
In their Meditations, many clerics would've gained some idea of what was happening in the other-realm, the astral, in both protecting them and in assaulting them, if they erred or felt an evil want. But as many I suspect, have for hundreds or thousands of years, been uninformed, or unable to understand the bigger or biggest picture of the occult realms and our interplay with and between them.
These unknown energies have kept the majority of western folk bespelled for centuries, but more forcefully over the last fifty years, especially in the USA.
Even the Most Righteous Cleric, were they to Speak Vociferously about say, "Henry George's" Treatise on Land and Economics, or in our early white-settlement days, about the genocide of Aborigines, they would've been accosted by frightening mysteries from some other world - from the occult, right into the vital regions of their being, making it impossible to think clearly, or converse, or maintain even the most disciplined, frugal lifestyle.
Worse, some of them would've learned that they themselves were being used as delegates for the puppet-masters, to rope-in ever more puppets.
The question might often have been "Is the master True, for the Good?".
If they weren't, the asker would've been belted around the astral head until they BELIEVED master was a Goodie. Fuck the Intellectual analyses of it all.
Either that or excommunication, exile, pauperdom, alcoholism (often again) and a - 'loser's' death.
For centuries at least, the occult supermasters of the Masons, "High Church", Opus Dei-types, Club of Rome, Illuminadi, etc., have been rathermore materialistic than Spiritual, even secular, in the ruthless earthly and occult battles to win the Earthly war, either for evil reasons or seeing it's need for a farther Good, yet very much also controlling the practices and behaviour of at least the broad United States Christian churches.
At most, all three Abrahamic Faiths; Judaic, Christian and Islam.
Thus, their power has become 'influential' at the most local levels, and almost everywhere on Earth, in regular Temple, Mosque, church and synagogue as Wise Man to the Laity.
I'd say these 'top-dogs' move in religious societies - High Priests etc., but more in civil political, corporate and military circles, W.T.O., World Bank, OPEC., IAEA, European Union, as well as within the dynasties still wielding power from the not-so-near dead monarchic elite networks across the globe.
The religions, certainly Christianity, have been 'baptized' into the 'control' of a long line of witch-priests (of an occult order) of the main church, as a frontline force, once as a defensive but now, with Billy Graham's "born again" and Evangelic Movement that grew from Haight Ashbury, San Francisco, in the 1960s, as an aggressive promoter of Christian values.
But the evangelists especially, have been using occultism from the pulpit, church heads, and higher in-and-through the Astral, and Higher-again Spiritual Realms, to rope-in a larger flock, kept secure by handsome opportunities 'presenting' JUST when you really need it, or when you 'pray' for it!? It's a MIRACLE!
Or magic...... of your unknown puppet-master!
Ironically, the Highest and perhaps only Christian Value or Ideal worth keeping close to one's heart is, in my humble opinon, "Love Thine Enemy". Yet American and Australian Christians have just voted in purported Christians urging us to go elsewhere and kill yet MORE victims of 50 (read-1700) years of disgusting christian capitalist imperialism. Hardly "Loving Thine Enemy".
Purported "Christian" leaders using all manner of the most proven 'spin' tactics to justify supplying those they now kill technology, weapons and lessons to kill, and thus become OUR enemies, who of course, must be hated.
Our US and Australian 'Christian' 'leaders' condone and cover-over carpet-bombing of Iraqis after they've built massive western, christian emnity and hate for those JC called us to Love.
So the leaders-to-doom are well within the 'control' of these super-dogs at the very top, and they're frantically trying to expand the other end of the pyramid of power - the Grassroots.
Now the Grassroots, kept ignorant of the magical realms for a long-long time, weren't ALL Bikers and sex-maniac, drugtaking hippies, but were and are always made-up to some significant degree of religious, secular, professional, well-educated, wealthy, as much as they were and always are hobos, junkies, prostitutes, nomads, rednecks, neo-nazis, blue-and-white collar mortgage-belt workers Et Al.
The Christian church has almost always been occultist on it's Flockers, if mainly to keep the lid on the Pandora's Box of a mass of minimally 'civilised' increasingly oppressed rural clans, families and vagrants, and the overflow from those traditional Homelands into the chaotic random cities of the last 2000 or so years, with their third Astral eye awake?
Many of the dissenfranchised, dispossessed flockers fiercely political against the known 'establishment'?!
The employment of this means of control has led to it becoming 'de riguer' socially, in education, law, and religion, the latter being fundamentally erroneous from the very beginning. Mostly quite covert, thank-you......
But things are as they are, so it goes......
Being founded on delusions of grandeur, most clerical decisions thereafter have been seriously erroneous, albeit that they were 'right' for the time - the best they could come-up with - at the time.
However the Liberation on such a scale in the 1960s, was known to the Masons, Rossicrucians, Pentacostals, and whoever was first on the scene at Haight Ashbury, had a head-start in manipulating crowds of people 'breakin'-out'.
Some, deep and profound thinkers I reckon, weren't ignorant of the need and potential for this trippee phenomena to foment a wider social, cultural and Spiritual Revolution; A Revolution against the occultism of Christianity and it's 'beads-and-trinkets' capitalist materialism.
So which Spiritual Powers were behind Ken Kesey's "Merry Pranksters" Movement, behind the well-heeled kids pulled-in, the Stanford Academics, the Hell's Angels, and the Silent Movement of the San Francisco's "Henry George League"?
Christians today know about Henry George and Land Rent, and would've voted for, in revolutionary numbers, the political party who stood for them,
But ---
....after around 50 years at least, of naive gullible white middle-class, generally good-hearted Americans and Australians being toxically earbashed about the evils of a United Community, by the juggernaut of "McCarthyism" against illusory
"Communists" in the 1950s (a campaign sponsored by the mass manufacturers of capitalist, material crap), the average Christian was yet unable to know the things the media don't tell you. LAND RENT for GOVERNMENT REVENUE.
The United Community being That which is based on most comprehensible Hard Earthly Economic Facts, and the facts on how to dispell these PERCEIVED evils of marijuana, bikers and muzlums, by Billy Graham's fanatical band.
HARK! Is there a co-relation between the outlawing of marijuana and the fostered hatred of its biggest smokers - Arabs and Muslims?
The Hard Fact that, in a fucking evil world, those, the vicious crims and those try-try-trying-to-be-good Christians, have been deceived to believe that the Bikers, are the frontline of Satan's army, whereas the Bikers are now, actually fighting for a more Just Planet, AND Advocating in all ways and levels of association the High Political Philosophy which the Christians now Know as Correct to Support.
The Prophet however, Understands why it is all still a bit much for them to swallow and digest, straight away.
Unity is Strength.
Nevertheless, from the 1960s evangelical Christian Movement, there developed the "born again" religious phenomenon. Evangelists and "Pentacostals", from a longish line of 'impelled' clerics.
This is why in 2004 the Prophet insisted on Labor taking the secular position.
He Knew the church was split in Labor, as it is everywhere.
Fundamentally, He knew the split was about not just staying in the fight, for power, but of the church staying alive. Extant. At least without an earth-shaking collapse.
To survive and be Justified Christianity needed it's Messiah desperately.
Typically, the utterly specious sophist churches have long-sought first to maintain their illgotten 'fiefdoms' riddled throughout white-western society, riddled with endemic social and religious corruption, thus keeping the 'flock' ignorant of the churches spiritual failings, and ignorant about the police-forces' ongoing protection of the clergy's very salubrious and disgustingly perverted 'position' in society, and in politics.
He was far from UNhappy when, after deciding to travel back to Melbourne, his home town, in December 2004, to bring this dilemma to the attention of the Hell's Angels Australian HQ, he was finally informed that the HA were the bastards who were doing himover for the passed ten years or more.
How come?
The long story - Well, He was also told the H.A. had on their own volition-I-assume, arrested the failings in these same corrupt religious-and-police-forces throughout the western world.
(I recall news reports of astounding success in New York, in the early-to-mid-1990s at a guess, in a dramatically reduced level of crime, which I now pin on the Angels being not for evil.)
This is why He, was "far from UNhappy".
However, our "Don Quixote" was, after a few days, very ANGRY. Angry that the church had been trying to make him their 'patsy' Messiah, thinking HE could wipe-out his "Brothers" as He calls them, and save their clerical and rotten socio-police force fiefdoms. And, of course the heirarchy that rose ominously above the worldwide permeated clergy and their spellbound laity, the most powerful wizards within the church and synagogue, WERE CERTAIN THEY had to maintain their power over everything, so their perceived enemies - THA BIKERS! - had to be wiped-out.
He hadn't thought much about His being from the inside of the biker heart, so-to-say, as being why the illuminadi selected Him. Ha!
But this was well later.
Years before things got to that stage:-
The Prophet was the top gun of the Melbourne motorbike courier industry in the 1980s. The Bikers, generally hated motorbike couriers, because courier-riders annoyed them with our outragious riding in traffic. "Givin' motorbikes a bad name!?"
They were too, for the first five years, but they also frightened the sleepyheads in cages awake to the fact there are bikes to look-out for on the roads as well.
After a few hundred thousand 'scares' of a courier snappin' passed their elbow, while they were taking-up two lanes of traffic - ("all over the fuckin' road!") - they started using their mirrors, and some even started turning their heads to get a better view! Most, soon enough, started sticking in the middle of their lanes as well.
All bikers benefited.
But, bike riders had a tough image usually, and so when The Prophet starting making and marketing a very good product - DRYFINGEEZ - "a truly great leap forward in motorcycling comfort" which kept a riders hands DRY like rarely seen in Australia during the 'wet', AND WARM! "mmMMmm!", the churchboy motorbiking school-tie sette who hated Him for the same top gun image and the poofter-fingeez he was trying to market through their little motorcycling media empires, appealed to the tough image that the real bikers held toward being comfortable in the pissin' rain. This added to Prophie-boy's bad top-gun reputation, to make life pretty useless.........
Then there were the physiognomical issues.
All a bit ironic. really.
These religious clones had fooled the flocks and the church heirarchy that He who they came to see as their Prophet, was evil, too evil, he wuz SATAN and thus the whole wild lot were down on him.
Argh! The Struggle!
That occured in the early 1990s. Prophee was informed of the H.A.s Ascent in December 2003, the day after he decided to give them a call.
After ten years or so of this drunk NOT dying, and of NOT going totally crazy, and of holding-up for his Advocated Cause, of LAND RENT for GOVERNMENT REVENUE, some Angels started asking some questions about Him, and this LAND stuff, and realised the moron...., was a friend!
In 'Condom's' learning of the role the H.A. were playing, and therefore of the church keeping him guessing about that side of the Bigger planetary picture, in his anger he let fly with a barrage of insults in all languages to all-and-sundry about how fucking stupid the 'establishment' had been, many of whom he'd been "Communicating" with for four-or five years, and some for eight-to-ten years in politics and media, ALP and the ABC largely, how stupid they were to regard "my Brothers" as being evil in an utterly evil world. Run by an evil establishment!
Aw!? Can't go into the shit that hit after that spat.
So, here's the Prophet, flinging-off emails (prior to and uptil just before the October 9th Australian federal election) to his fellow Advocates in the ALP and the ABC with policy and leadership ideas, resounding across the political nation, as well............, resounding across the Christian nation, gets told THE TRUTH about the counter-global ascent of the Angels, and after a bit of cogitating...., and a few more interesting conversations about the political left here in Australia, goes walkabout from ALP politics, and turns in his limited way, Outlaw.
Hmmmm!? This shocks the Christians, who'd come to see el propheto as their Saviour.
Another longish story..................,
He first caught the attention of the Good in the world, with his letters written to his Tutors in the School of Philosophy, Melbourne, but the nasties had him on video from the late 1970s, early 1980s from his attending motorbike rights-demonstrations.
It all intensified when he got a computer and started flinging his flyers at more general political issues rallies.
His Mission was the Land Reform issue, sole and True.
Naturally, there were and are Balanced Minds within the wide body of Christian and Jewish 'churches', who were, through his agency, brought aware of the abuses of the occult to 'capture' them.
I'd suspect these Wiser Folk, God Bless Them, figured that there was abuse from within the churches also, but were, by the deluded, if not self-interested, made to focus on the infection through the Laity of the perceived evil of the underworld's rise, a la the Angels.
Apparently, the Angels were, being utterly EVIL, sucking the masses in with their black magic.
I now look at this as the Angels breaking the age-old spells the People have had issued over their oppressed minds for centuries, by the religious Institutions of the three Abramic Faiths, which used Machiavellianism for the Highest Good they could perceive, during times when fiefdoms were all over the fuckin place, with all sorts of sss-tra-ange goings-on in them, and upon their neighbours. That institution was religion.
That Good was for the Change we Know have, Potentially, upon us.
Where there's Good, there's the potential of evil. Sometimes evil is necessary to Evoke, or Invoke, Actions to the Higher End. World Peace.
So it is with the dark influences within the religions, within society.
That Good was for the Change we Know have, Potentially, upon us.
Who can Understand the history of el propheto, why he went towards motorbikes and bikers in his late teens, took the Path he took, became a drunk, and maniac rider......, and writer?
Who can say why he insisted on meeting Australia's H.A. Head, Ball Bearing, at a Panton Hills Shindig, in 1988-89, and bowed with Reverence (and a very broad grin!) as he backed away after a short "Spacey" chat?
He Knew by early 2004, soon after he was told of what the Angels worldwide had achieved, and the correct inferences in those momentous conversations, of them being onside with and Advocates of LAND RENT for GOVERNMENT REVENUE, He knew why he bowed to Ball Bearing 16 years ago.
His Spirit Guide could read the future, when He guided el proph to meet the Angels.
Such is His Faith.
Next to come is a diatribe on the depth of occult manipulation, as has been exercised by the "Post-Fall" cults; Judaism and Christianity in-the-main.
It appears to go beyond the religions, into mystic cults such as the "Illuminadi", and other lesser-knowns. "Opus Dei", are probably excited....., but seeds were to loosely-thrown throughout the ages, so the chances are innumerable mini-cults proliferate across ages and cultures. Even today, perhaps.
A big danger of any regular type church, is the power of influence the priest, rabbi or other senior clergy have over the flock, so while there was discussion and collusion between clergy, across parishes, devilry introduced the temptation, and verbose high-flying rhetoric justified, 'control' of the Faithful. That fight's been going on in human, or western, 'post-fall' minds - since the fall, as has the fight in the ethereal realms being going on since the beginning.
Certain living people, usually men, are I think, deemed the elected ones for possession of a higher, or more ancient code to a controlling projection over a wide and pyramidical pile of people. People.
The ceremonies of Freemasons and other cults, hand-over these powers when the successor becomes the grand poobar.
Lots of them, I'd reckon worldwide now.
Could be all a dream...............?
Now, this all connects "coincidently", to what I've gleened from observations, of the spiralling mass of "born-again" Christians, Pentacostals, and probably other sects over the last ten, twenty years.
Billy Graham was around decades before, in the 1950s and 1960s, worldwide, and all born-agains know well his 'powerful' name.
Billy Graham was a reasonable-minded young adult during the San Francisco "Hippy explosion" in the 1960s, and was warned-off for his religion.
But he went away from it with hopes but deep reservations, about the sexual and drugs freedom and the effects these liberating ways might have upon a city, as much as upon his cherished but deformed Christian-American world.
He was a popularised and prominent voice from conservative 1950s USA.
Around the same time another popularised and prominent 'crusader' for christian, white, materialist American "life", one 'Joe McCarthy' floated through the once reasonable United Nations and fucked the Balanced Social approach that existed in the influences of Communism, Socialism, and other less materialistic cultures, creeds within the UN, and via a massive propaganda campaign to seal communism from EVER darkening the doors of ruthless genocidal christian capitalism, utterly corrupted the masses view of even a little-bit of Socialism for True Social, Economic and Spiritual Freedom.
Free market forces at play again.
Billy Graham, and his white, square mates, probably had a bad view of the similar anti-'cultural' gangs of motorbikers, and when the "Freaks" mixed amicably with the Hell's Angels, I'd reckon he blew a fuse or 2000.
His and the usual group-psychosis of fanatics within a severely 'controlled' clergy of a 'touched' new age orator-priest, were conscious of the "Powers" one may awaken within, with a little-bit of "Liberation" sex and triiii-ppeeee drugs. So, they tried it.
HOLY Jesus?
Paranioa spells at work.
From an Higher side; the Spirits have been manipulating many, many of us to react in certain circumstances, and to follow narrow, protected lives.
In numbers, this, with the experiment of free market capitalism, had to be the order, while we got to know ourselves better, more fully.
Shit's been happening for ever.............
So wrapping this up in more dribble, its likely the connections of the or through the astral planes into our heads, goes back ages and ages and ages.
So far back it's Seed sprung from AUM.........
The variances of extreme fears in a devious world are caring for us and their own Self, Spirit, however they perceive It to Be.
The bulk of Christians, Good Hearted all of them, wanted the Prophet to lead whichever party He chose, in this case the Australian Labor Party.
But el propheticus said "Be your Own Messiah!"
That's what Democracy is all about.
Seems like a really soft ending, and I'm sure I'll put more spice in later.
Time for a splifffffff............