Saturday, October 23, 2004

Ode To True Democracy

Here's my latest poem, scribed just last night, Friday 22nd October, a mere 13 days after the tragic Australian federal election, where the Neo-Fascist Liberal Government was re-elected.

It follows my sojourn across the Australian political landscape of the last year or forty-nine-and-a-half.

Caught between Bikers and Truckers and fuck-witted mothers,
and the devil and the Deep Blue Sea.

Then there's Jews and Christians,
and paranoid Sisters,
and scarey astral monsters that I just don't see.

How I see it or believe,
is we're ALL trapped by our fears,
implanted by ancient ill-powered rabbinical hands,

That all of it's real and delusion
from minds of twisted witches run-amock,
when by fate severed from Heart's Homelands.

Jews and their christian crusaders
have abused all sorts of persuaders
to fuck-over the flotsam
minds-hearts-and-Souls of the flock.

And now we're at the Penultimate Moment
where for True Justice
the Strong must foment

All their Will
to put Yehovah and God in the dock.

To prosecute the religious psychosis
So to bring for ALL "The Garden" back into Focus
For the Highest Light to suffer no more
feeble man's mental block.

We have eight years to go,
if the Mayans really did Know,
the future and the "end of time".

All history is but memory,
is but living-in-the-past
an unreal mime,

Only "In-The-NOW"
from this chaos will we Climb

Back-up to a Heaven,
not merely one to believe-in,
but a Tangible Bliss
beyond all processes of mind.

To a True Democratic State
of Perennial Bienvenue
through the Pure and Simple Lore,
of Land Rent for Government Revenue.

For if we get down to Raw Facts
Earth needs no other tax
on our Labour or desires of mind.

"It's the Economy stupid!"
Fuck-off your religious cupids
and forever be away with the evils
the insane Judeo-Christians
always manage to find.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Spiritual Relief at last for our "Oldies"

For decades I've observed a strange and worrying silence in many of our older generations when the subject of christian church malfeasance; sinister manipulation of the "flock"; blind faith as-in "parroted" phrases and aggressive defence of church beliefs and custom; and of the clergy's abuse of status and concomitant 'power' in such ways as the most abominal sexual crimes against male and female children, and against lonely, oppressed, confused and vulnerable women of the congregation.

Because of this, and the blindingly obvious fallaciousness of modern western religion - denying the flock ANY True Instruction toward the Knowing of and Uniting with one's own Holy Spirit ("....... he who denies the Holy Spirit WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN...."), I now put-out the deepest call to all our Older generations, who have had to keep a most painful and debilitating silence for much of their lives, to SPEAK-UP!

Today, at long last, our long-corrupted western policing services and forces have been wrested from the sinister/evil grip of the christian clergy, and are safe to approach, to unburden the hearts of those cursed to silence.

Justice Grandma!

You DO have a Voice, a Right and at last the chance to release your hearts, minds and Souls from what I have for decades quietly observed as an horrendous burden.



Painful as I know it can be to re-visit old trauma, the relief is as a Blissful Path to Heaven.

For while too much of christian dogma and Scriptural interpretation is utter rubbish, the Notion of Heaven is a Truism, and is, IS, found in a Purified Heart, Mind and Soul.

This is Everyone's Right - christian, jew, Moslem, Hindu, Taoist, Buddhist, even Agnostic and Athiest.

Also, to decry all other Pathes to Samadhi, Nirvana, Enlightenment, Allah, Et Al, as the christian cults all-too-often do, and as well, as a condition of acceptance into their fanatical clutches, they demand the 'new initiate' denies all other forms of Worship of the Supreme, is nothing short of outright Satanism.

Time for the Oldies of our world to SPEAK UP.



Regardless of our tyrannical Howard government's sychophancy to the church for support, whether-or-not John Howard and all of his Liberal/National Parties coven are not of their own minds ("....for they know not what they do....")
now is the time for all Right-minded folk to finally have their say on the above atrocities, committed "in the name of God, OR YHVH".

And Bless You ALL, He Will.

So too, will your grandchildren, and theirs.

Testimony to fraudulant religion

That the whole world is increasingly embroiled in upheaval and destruction of many "old" ways and cultural standards;

that the christian religion is being exposed as being very-much behind the ANTI-Spiritual momentum of the 'expansionist' capitalist, materialist western or first world forces;

that the christian clergy of all sects and in-the-main many 'professionals' (ie., church educated) in the judiciary and other powerful institutions have been arrested for child pornography;

that the dangerous and perverted 'gay lobby' is almost completely composed of ex-church-school students;

that divorce rates of over 50% of all marriages undermine the purported values of any guidance or Spiritual tutelage by christian churches in western societies;

that the most blood-thirsty national heirarchy of the USA is under the spell and will of extreme-right-wing christian fundamentalism to commit it's cannon-fodder 'christian' armies to the mass-murder of ever-suffering Iraqi's, Middle-Eastern and west-Asian Arabic and Islamic Cultures - both, pre-western invasion, quite evolved Cultures, as were the 500-plus Australian Aboriginal Nations;

that the christian churches for decades and as likely centuries have in desperate search been trying to fabricate it's own saviour and manage him so-as to bolster and improve the long-rotten reputation of an essentially occult religion, and thus keep secure their rotten-but-very-"prestigious" social status, and that there are many more legally, ethically and Spiritually Sound arguments for the case of disbanding and/or banishing all catholic and protestant heirarchical and covenous institutions, is why I curse christianity and it's "puppet-masters" of Judaism.