Thursday, February 17, 2005

"White-collar" civil offences not crimes?

"The ACCC is also considering using criminal instead of civil law to prosecute businesses which defraud consumers." reads the ABC Online news article."

(Taken from: )

Shit I hate it when I learn that such 'distinctions' in law exist.

And I get bloody angry when I discern from same article that 'white-collar' crime is currently viewed as coming under 'civil law' not criminal!

"He says the advantage of using criminal laws is they have two significant effects on businesses.

The first is they create a criminal record and that is not really helpful for the conduct of the business concerned, and secondly they do enable us to secure penalties, financial penalties, which are not available under the civil prosecution process," he told a Senate estimates committee in Canberra."

Innocence has it's advantages. I look at this legal malady-in-law and see only oooorr-wanna-smoke!

Suddenly, it's all clear! The cities are run by pussey morons of the white coller cult, descendants of......? Who cares? (We can see 'em coming nowdays.)

Surely the 'white collar', the actual shirt collar, is but a scaled-down version of the cleric's 'dog-collar' and robes?!!!!

No WONDER white-collar-crims have snuck-through the legal loop-holes, thus far-too-far!

I mean seriously, is this another 'facet' of the Ju-Christ cult conspiracies running amock around the only-planet-worth-plundering, OR WHAT!

Hmmmm? Smells more like being THE facet!?

Further, it becomes clear that whitey-dogs-er-collar criminals, meaning ANYONE who wears a shirt-and-tie-to-work, and an Honest analysis would determine that perhaps 90% of global western economies are structured to support their very-same dog-criminal system, (unsustainable, uneconomical, unreasonable, untenable, unwieldy, unwanted, and un-fuckin'-believable) have been and ARE the 'forward officers' of the now near-terminally-advanced western 'hali-donalds' (Haliburten and Mac-spues) corporate empires, out-recently-of-Ameeeee-riiii-ca.

But Britain's MI-6 was in about 2000, regarded world-wide as the filthiest spies on Earth, and Europe has it's cold hearts, Ja? Wea? So let's share the shite around a bit, aye?

I reckon that, is now obvious, but any reasoned in-lookie to global corporate behaviour (whom the western 'secret services' have been working for, for about fifty years), since the post-WW2 corruption of government, and therefore the spoiled kiddies who know little-else but to spend-spend-spend and giggle, when not in the corporate trance 'in-the-office-mill', seems to reveal the churches and jewish schools are deeply involved in maintaining the current structures. 'White-collar' intensive structures, and how better than to indoctrinate-'em from BIRTH!

At church! and-on-and-on, Jeesuz-ben-JO! how went is the global (Ju-Christo-centric) education READ-'INDOCTRINATION' system toward some 'white-skinned' THEREITISAGAIN?! white-collar game of corporate chess?

The rest of us aren't even the pawns, just micro-organisms stuck in a white or black sq-fuckin'-ware!

WHITE-COLLAR GAME OF CORPORATE CHESS? Haven't I heard that before.......? When I was mixing it with Christians........?

I mean....., Jeezzz "Qaint-arse (Qantas) profit soars 28%"?

Oorghspl? Good Aussie company that mate. NO government subsidisation! CARTELIAN BEHAVIOUR? NOT-ON, mayte.....?

Go The A.C.C.C.!!!

But you better not be TOO efficient, Comrades, the world hasn't got enough shovels for four-and-a-half billion adults and adolescents to dig the spuds and other tasty roots up with.

What? NOO 'supermarkets'! Noo petrol! Noo two-week plane-trips to Nimbin's real estate Heaven.............?


Fuckin' like to help them, but they seem to lust after wiping their kids out.

For this I find it hard to wanna........

Max No Difference