So, fresh out of private school/university?
So, fresh out of private school/university?
Or, "Why do they want to be insane?
After spending some ten-to-twenty years in a wealth-focused religious education, adults-so-called, in their early 20s, typically after a few years being 'lured' into a career in a multinational corporation, find it easy to dive-in head-first, ego-first.
This is usually nurtured by family-ties, associations and 'network' connections into the most profitable fields of medicine, economics and fields of management.
But the 'puppet-master' psychopaths who encourage and manipulate a youth's thinking into such a job or career, are often resident in the upper levels of the private schools and in the as-much-private tertiary universities and colleges, teachers colleges also.
Clearly, the youth have next-to-no-choice in choosing their career in corporate egoism or, a Life-Path, for the Wisdom of True Human Beings, a la the Aborignal Peoples of Australia and elsewhere, a True Culture which shuns the city-bred egomaniacal insanity.
However, young adults going through the class-based private education system, and kids from theirs and any younger age-group, being more savvy and switched-on than any of us ten, twenty years ago, are growing through a blossoming of the "Factual Period", with this recent decade flooding the masses with more facts than ever about why we are all the way we are, individually and culturally, insane.
The crude facts are out, about those corporate brand-names we've all subsumed into our language and ways of thinking, comparing.
Them, competing for space in our house, garage or office, and thus the ego-realm of mind.
Today we generally and probably a similar proportion of public-school students, know how rotten the 'corporate games' are, in any large industry, and how destructive they are to Local Cultures, and to the Better Being within the egomaniac clones.
But it seems our kids need a lot more Education-large-E, and completely-less church-emanated indocrination and rude, sacreligious dogma.
Yes, the church spearheaded education in old Britain and Europe through the last 1000 years, but it's very existence, for Good or ill, has been compromised for pretty-much as long.
The massively powerful western dynasties of 400, 600, 800 years ago, right through of course to today, have had minimal sympathy for religious institutions and their doctrines, other than for their 'talents' in opiumating the masses into bearing and accepting the abject living conditions the despotic monarchs pressed them into.
But for the kids of wealthy stock, they are given 'keys-of-confidence', an air of authority, enough to be leaders, perhaps, but certainly enough to enter managerial jobs and enough to bloat their ego into supporting the beast that keeps thrilling them.
How many private-school, uni and college students today, have been Taught to Educe the Courage to find the True Human within themselves, and desert the insane in the city?