Saturday, April 16, 2005

"Greedus Capitalus Titanicus"

April 17th 2013CE. Capitalising on the collision, the Good Ship "Greedus Capitalus Titanicus" sunk not alone itself and the hubris of the mogul shipping owners, but also the iceberg, the oceans, and the atmosphere of the whole Planet!

Rest in Peace "Greedus Capitalus Psychosis Titanicus", the 'end-game' of the Satan, the evil of western materialist ex-Judeo-Christian 'golden calf tribe' BAD SPELLS!

Wake-up China!

Wake-up Japan! Taiwan! Hong Kong!

Wake-up Africa!

Wake-up Islam! (Alas!? But Mohamed?!)

Wake-up Catholicism!!

The next Pope must lead the Advocates, Religious and Biker alike, in dispelling the nuclearised market-directed society, consumerism-is-Godly myth.

Change NOW, or Bring It Down!!!

May The Perfect Existence Be Your Inspiration


Friday, April 15, 2005

il Padre? Please pass on to your nearest Catholic Conclave will you?

Influenced by innumerable spiritual forces, I nevertheless throw my arrows of (my perceived) Truth into the Conclave, to see what hits home amongst and within ALL Cardinals.

The next "Il Papa", while there appears a need to maintain the Tradition, in this new Millennium addresses an audience, a global flock, far-and-away more advanced in understanding issues of power and control, of themselves, of the world, and of People around them, "Spiritually" and materially/Economically, than any one or number of groups of Human Beings have ever yet Attained, under any Pope - thus far.

This threatens a Level of Democracy within the Church as is unthinkable amongst the higher reaches therein, yet may be the only way the church can redeem itself. The scales have fallen, and there is no going back.

Decentralisation is the Common Call, not just for the church but for the Masses, if we are to survive the next thousand years.


As never before, over these last ten or so years, A Message fitting of a Messiah has been given to a larger number of people than ever, perhaps over half the planet's population, of personal improvement and social importance, which addresses not only the Spiritual /Work He (any Messiah)would call us to do, but the hard, cold, simple, pure ECONOMIC facts of LAND RENT for GOVERNMENT REVENUE.

This information, data, facts, Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth, be-it Known fully across a culture, would as much do away with the need for that last vestige of Spirituality on Earth, 'religions' per se.

These events and influences, these "advances in understanding issues of power and control" on Humanity's level of attainment are not, I maintain, an Ascension into the Highest Realm, as-it-Be, but merely an opening of the third eye. A magnificent advance on personal and communal levels no-doubt, enabling advances undreamt of by earlier thinkers, the most vital being that we can in common atune our mind's ear to many new, higher and lower realms of entertainment and distraction, but our Priority is to use that power and light to hear how to lift us beyond the mental realms, into the Highest, Common Spirit....., rah rah rah. Use the Third Ear, to Hear the Truth.

However, the west, that is the Judeo-Christian western world, is the most deeply astray on Earth, thus furthest from Truth, thus is in need of the Greatest Teachings, inclusive of all things, FACTS Principally, about Humanity's Highest Call: Human Justice.

Today though, not only have the western Judeo-Christian lots commonly opened 3rd eyes, but the spread is global, and is advancing faster than we could count, through cultures, tribes and clans in every corner.

This has given (I estimate) over three billion, BILLION people an ear to the thoughts of a True Spirit, via the astral realm. A True Spirit who Brings Gifts from afar, free of 'beads-and-trinkets', just Knowledge. Primary Knowledge about Life on Earth, and the Attaining of Heaven on Earth for our Generation, from here on into the Future.

"The next 'Il Papa', while there appears a need to maintain the Tradition", from the second paragraph, also alludes to the brutal Truth that the Principle Aim of all "Religions" so-called, is to put themselves out of business.

More-so in this filthy-rotten 'Judeo-Christian' age of the 'golden calf tribe'.

For the People are sick-and-tired of the romantic rhetoric from pulpit, throne and chair, and are better Knowing that their Further Spiritual Development is limited most, by having to live a life in a society powered by delusional UNtruths.

Untruths ozzing thicker-than-ever from those same podia.

So...., to do the work the new Pope is brought to perform, he must be more powerful than ever, strong enough in Spirit, in the fearless Faith that the Father's Will is for him to speak Truth, the Whole Truth and only Truth, soas to expunge the toxins of untrue spells from the psyche, from the Soul of his Society. (Truth is one's most Powerful Weapon.)

Today, from the Soul of the World.

If he/She is to be a True Representative of God's Grandfather, as according to Scripture, particularly Judeo-Christian Scripture, his/her Weapon is the Truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

The Whole Truth means the Truth about Life, Justice and Heavenly Peace, on Earth.

The Sacred Book, I call the black book, the Christian Bible, states one thing as true, rah, rah, Leviticus 25.


Over the years I've detected Blessed help from the Catholics, and May AUM Bless THEM. Without doubt, without their apparently brave aid, I'd be dead a long time now.

We wont go into my being demonised as satan himself by the same bunch prior to a few exposeayes that reached the last il Papa in about 1996, December.

But my travails have given Knowledgeable Light to a shitload of "Micks" over the ten last years or so, enough to stand themselves in potent of Redeeming themselves, after a few (17) hundred years of running the people amock in occult terms, and astray as to the ECONOMIC TRUTH of LAND RENT for GOVERNMENT REVENUE.

Thus they have Learnt that the Message of the Covenant, LAND RENT for GOVERNMENT REVENUE, instituted into Government, sets the Foundations for the "Greatest Spiritual Shift" Humanity has had, and today, appears to need more than ever, ever, ever. ever. Ever!

No Cardinal from the Catholic Church is going to "Talk True" in these Vital Matters, me-thinks, thus whomever is 'elected' this time around, is already safely assumed to be a fraud.

Can this troubling Conclave "Surprise" Humanity???????

The Wider, Global Catholic Laity is, now, aware of these and more, deeper Truths, of Soul, of Conscience, of Duty, Responsibility, Faith, Justice and Just Plain ECONOMICS, according to THY FATHER'S WILL!

Need we mention the environmental death-sentence we and our western judeo-chrustian opulance have cast upon the Good and Holy Mother Earth?

The Virgin Mother!? Is Mother Mary not the Holy Symbol of The Holy Virgin Mother Earth?

And the Good Catholics of our One and Only Planet, on all continents, islands all, in Concordance with the Call and Will of the Whole People of Earth, before and above mere religion, would, were they "Listening", Hear the Call and assert their Democratic Spirit, their Democratic Holy Spirit upon the Institution they seek their Spiritual Nourishment from - the Holy Catholic Church.

The Messiah, it is said, would speak of these things, so why wouldn't the Pope? And why would the People, Knowing of the Truth about these Primary Issues, remain silent, if it was not for the devil standing between them and That Highest Truth - God - Allah - YHVH - AUM? Their
True Self?

Only the Truth will set Rome and it's Flockers Free................, from a spell in Hell..............

GET IT RIGHT! There in the Conclave!

Perhaps the question is "Can the next Pope Redeem the Church through decentralisation, devolvement to local Temples et al, along the True lines of dissolving the NEED FOR the Church all-together-now!?"

The only way is with the Truth.


Or bear witness, and probably false witness if the current darkness remains over the Vatican and it's powertripping enclaves and branch-offices, to the ongoing Judeo-Christian-generated degeneration and ultimate destruction of the current structures, Good and ill, West, and East, North and South, first and third worlds.

Time is now for the Catholic Church to GROW-UP, get it's feet back on the ground, down from the drunken, dreamy shit of their ancient talmudic right-wing occult power-trippers, WHICH GUARANTEE ARMAGEDDON! (self-fulfilling forecasting by dangerously deluded Spiritually disconnected minds), and TALK TRUE in all aspects of your Life - Spiritual and ECONOMIC!

Catholicism must, at this moment in global religious affairs, lead the way, if the new Pope is to be Listened to or taken seriously, in breaking the deadly and false spells over the 'occult real estate values' surrounding Jerusalem, and the Holy Land in general. And Rome......... and........ (I heard recently that the Catholic Church has 'assets' to the value of $100 BILLION Australian, in Australia alone?)

You all know I've been hammering all sides of politics and religion, and the Reformists and Freedom Fighters of the Middle-Eastern Region and farther afield on the one standing option of LAND RENT for a few years now.

I'd suggest the Conclave also knows we-the-Advocates have had some success across that strife-torn area, where the oppressed are better educated to run their affairs on facts, not corrupt land laws.

They also await the Call.

Also, this Call has been picked up all-across - Africa, South and North America, Asia, Russia and Europe and here across Australia, and may well be the catalyst for many of the recent 'velvet-type-revolutions' here-and-there.

So why on Earth.........., HOW on Earth can Catholicism, and any New Pope, so-called Communicator with God, not speak out on this Stuff, and in so-doing ease-off the explosive pressure-points of national and global aggression?

Maybe I'll Nominate MYSELF as the next Il Padre, Pope Max the First.

Pope Maximus Saturnicus Economicus Agrarianus.

Blessed Be The Advocates of Land Rent.

.........and of Cannabis Legalisation!

Redeem your Soul, Christian? Catholic? Jew?

May The Perfect Existence Be Your Inspiration.