"The more you deceive yourself about ANYTHING.......
The more you deceive yourself about EVERYTHING!!!
"The more you deceive yourself about ANYTHING.......
The more you deceive yourself about EVERYTHING!!!
I came across an interesting book recently, about the Land Boom in Melbourne in the 1880s.
To this unlearned Soul it was quite revealing, about the way Victoria’s colonial government operated, from the gold-rushing 1850s, through to the beginning of this century.
Having chosen some years ago to investigate the reasons for our sociological (and Spiritual) corruption, and after reading “The Land Boomers” (by Michael Cannon, published in 1967 by Melb Uni Press), it’s very easy to see why the trends of self-interest, prevarication, deceit and delusion are common-place, indeed the dominant paradigm today in a society that understands and adapts, purely in order to get-by and get-on in the world, to the ways of it’s forefathers and the forefathers of it’s leaders.
This morning I was thinking about the book’s contents, when a question arose oriented around the word “reference”.
It related to the question of;
“How close to the root-source of our information do we go when we form an opinion on one topic or another?”
How interested are we in establishing it’s Truth?
We’re always forming opinions, but as can be seen everyday, many opinions are found to be wrong when viewed in the light of retrospective analysis.
When an opinion has a major influence upon a society, affecting the way that society functions, and is later found to be a wrong opinion with bad effects, the done thing may be to place it under the microscope of a royal commission or a judicial inquiry to establish the “fracture” in the “train-of-thought” or “links of information”.
What has the opinion been based upon?
To what source of information did the opinion-maker refer, and most importantly, how correct was that source? For example,
“Where do universities get the information upon which they base their economics or political science courses?”
Because an opinion is the most popular or has held sway for a long time in no way makes it correct.
As we are finding today, economic rationalism for example, as far as the well-being of the whole population of a nation (and the planet) is concerned, is faulty, and is based on tenets that have been accepted as true for hundreds of years.
Back then it may well have been the best policy for a government to have.
Some minor fault in a respected source of information of two or four or six hundred years ago, may be very hard to find, may have been or may still be regarded as insignificant, yet it is possible it can have horrendous repercussions upon a much further evolved society, such as in ours today.
Another dangerous fact is that as long as things are paddling along okay (especially for those on top) there appears no desire to delve into establishing the Truth on such matters. This, either because of man's laziness or fear of rocking the 'devil-you-know' (and one's own security).
Opinions are often formed on the most scant information. In daily life it's near impossible to check our sources to establish fact from fiction - (I suppose an acceptable 'minor detail' when making conversation amongst friends on the streets and in the pubs).
Of course when an opinion is broadly voiced, and is one that has a powerful effect on the future direction of a whole socio-economic system, it is obviously quite important that the opinion be based on a sound analysis of the facts, so that the society won't have to bear the brunt of someone's ill-formed and so potentially devastating belief.
"How reliable are the Government's and Opposition's opinions?"
"How reliable are their 'sources of reference'?"
In order to establish the Truth about the information, we must question not only the validity of the sources of information, but also why the voicer of that opinion has chosen that argument. Are they honestly interested in establishing and upholding truth above all else, or are they out, however they can, to aggrandise their own position, so accepting, rejecting or perverting the information as it suits them, convincing themselves that what they say need only be 'good enough' to satisfy their immediate ends, by fooling the people for some of the time?
Why do some prefer left-wing politics while others, often of the same family, school or occupation prefer the ideologies of the right?
We know it's not just the information that comes to them when they reach voting age, but very much the influences in their earlier, formative years, and the information and opinions they are expected to take-on as they grow.
As children, we are all vulnerable to the opinions of adults who are only very, very rarely capable of expressing an unbiased view.
Of course, that's another adult trick, to make it ‘sound’ unbiased.
I recall being ridiculed by my older brother once because I said I preferred to sit on the fence on a political point we were discussing.
"You've got to have an opinion!" He exclaimed.
I couldn't agree with him. Now I say, perhaps that's okay, but it's worthless unless we can be sure of the sources to which we refer when forming our opinions.
So although it's expected that every serious thought we have must be based on an opinion (and you're regarded as spineless if you're not opinionated), I believe that unless that opinion is based on irrefutable facts, it is a better person who holds no opinion one way or the other. At least until some substantial evidence influences them.
How many are chuckling at the "offer-they-couldn't-refuse" substantial influence scenario.
How many of Victoria's parliamentary decisions over the last 150 years, have been made with all the facts at hand, provided by altruistic and incorruptible sources to altruistic and incorruptible politicians?
With reference to the aforementioned book on the boom and bust years of the 1880s and 1890s in Victoria, it is seen that self-interest was one primary motive of our 19th century state parliamentarians who for example, ordered the construction of Melbourne's metropolitan rail network.
Those same members of parliament who "borrowed" millions of pounds from the uninformed depositors of the banks upon which they sat as directors, to speculate on large sections of land at Broadmeadows, St Albans, Box Hill, Lilydale, Sandringham, Frankston and others, just before the rail networks were established.
Needless to say, Victoria ended up with plenty of very wealthy parliamentarians, several closed financial institutions, many more ruined depositors, and by 1892, after a spending spree nearing fifty million pounds sterling (in 1891, no small sum) on a railway extravaganza, a bankrupt economy. Little wonder commuters were still riding in 60 year old railway carriages as late as the 1970s!
In the late 1960s Victoria was still paying off the debts incurred by the self-seeking land-boomer government members of eighty years earlier.
The paradox is of course that, aside from the negative aspects of urban sprawl, and the popularisation of land speculation that this same suburban public transport system tended to encourage, and forgetting the never-content cynics of public transport, today's citizens could be (if the current government were not so anti-anything -for-the-masses) benefiting enormously from it's rail and tramway network.
So, before we caste the first stone with an opinion, we should endeavour to remain above the influences of "clever orators" and persuasive voices, because as unfortunate as it is, our whole train of thought on politics, be they of the left or right, is riddled with opinions that are very definitely not based on 100% irrefutable facts, so must be questioned in the interests of the future of the community at large.
With the knowledge that political structures world-wide are coming under more intense scrutiny by citizens, of the world community, questions arise that may challenge a great many of our comfortable opinions. For the sake of the future of the planet, these uncomfortable questions can only be seen as good.
How far back must we go in our search to establish the truth about our social and economic dilemmas?
Have we all gone too far down the road of selfishness to think intelligently about correcting our long-founded, misinformed and very destructive opinions on a "Good Society"?
It is up to all the people to ensure that they themselves are all sure of the facts, when choosing the type of government to establish and maintain social order.
We must shake off our lazy approach to politics and economics.
The price of Social and Economic Freedom is-
Eternal Vigilance.
How can the church find it's Freedom, it's Wisdom, it's God when for 1700 years (since the 1st "Council of Nicea" in the 320s AD) it has been encasing itself in (debatably deliberate) misinterpretations and misunderstandings of the Teachings of the Prophet Yeshua ben Joseph (Jesus Christ's Human name)?
All untruth must be cleansed completely from the mind, body and Soul of any who would Aspire to find the Eternal Truth of Spiritual Freedom, Wisdom and Heaven.
That means, one must be rid of all things, ie., beliefs opinions and theories, which are not Known to be True. Did not the Christ say "You must be Perfect to enter the Kingdom of Heaven"?
Yet, all the clergy of the mainstream Christian churches have been doing for 1700 years is compounding into their minds, and so into their hearts and Souls, corrupt and therefore untrue beliefs about;
1) The Prophet "Yeshua ben Joseph";
2) The Message He was trying to deliver to;
a) His Disciples, and
b) Humanity;
3) How Common People can Truly;
a) at least be closer to God, or
b) be At One with God, the Father, as the Christ Taught;
4) Christ as the Communist;
5) Christ as the Truth and the True Philosopher in us all;
etc and on........
How on Earth therefore, can the clergy themselves
1) Hope to find "Heaven" or "Spiritual Enlightenment"; and
2) Dare to stand as Teachers to the People on subjects alluding to Heaven, God and Godliness?
In this crucial epoch therefore, all the clergy can possibly instruct People on is;
1) How not to be a seeker after the Christ ("Who art found only Within!") and so;
2) How not to look for "Oneness" with God-the-Spirit.
These lucid facts add yet more evidence to the case for the dissolution of the Christian Religion.
At the very least, they should be Humble enough to admit that they have done enough!
max rta ramananda
(Warrior of Truth!)
This I wrote in ’97, pissed-off with an advertisement or something.
What, of your beliefs about this western social and economic system are founded upon Absolute Truth?
You can answer this question only if you are 100% honest with your Self.
Yet how many of us are that? Cast the first stone if you dare!
The first stone must be cast not at any but your self.
Look at our beliefs, and ask, "Are they 100% true and correct?"
The whole western system is based on Christ's or God's Wisdom, not however, to bring you Peace; nor even Happiness, but that we may progress beyond the primitive lifestyle of a passed era.
Today, we have achieved that state, where we have more than enough technology to enable each Human Being to live in a Way befitting the Highest Level necessary for Humanity to ascend to a Truly Peaceful and indeed Spiritual realm.
Technology may yet make the world a better place, yet it is snowballing beyond what we need, having, through the materialist's marketing juggernaut, created it's own perpetual motion.
Technology and it's produce has always been simply a tool for our Human improvement, so we may come closer together as One Planet, and at last find (Spiritual) Peace and Harmony.
We are here to live in Harmony, not to be continually competing with each other.
Yet technology and the materialist's marketing juggernaut have supplanted our Real Purpose, (which is to find our way back to our True Spiritual Nature of Peace and Social Harmony), with incorrect and dangerous beliefs about desiring a bigger car, larger house and ever more wealth, as the only means, or the only source of Happiness.
A competitive society will never carry us back to the Father of our Soul, but what do the politicians ceaselessly push us to accept?
"We must be more competitive!" they tell us.
Oh if just 5% of us were awake to this lie.
You, no matter how much you turn away from politics and the broader social issues, can see that the world is going crazy. Which is exactly why you turn away, yes?
The reason is simply that we have been duped by the materialists to believing that Happiness and Peace can only come from more technology and materialism, etc.
You Know this is false, yet because of the lies, or at best the half-truths the church tells us about God, you choose to accept the trivial and temporal things which for a short time, make you happy in your own small (and smaller) world, rejecting any notion of Spirituality, to the point of atheism, whence you end up fumbling along in dread of being left to challenge your own manmade dreams and fears.
(25th Sept '04 edit: The last paragraph might be wrongly taken to infer I'm saying "atheism" is for losers. That's not at all the inference Atheists should draw, and has never been my feeling on them. Unlike a reformed smoker, I don't deride those of whom I was once one. Indeed, years ago I put it to the ABC's Phillip Adams [doyen of Australian Radio] that Athiests have a vital role in "keeping religion Honest".)
Any Real Man of Spirit, however, would inspire Courage in you thence have you abandon your illusory dreams and fears, for the One Wholistic Truth.
Yet fearful is exactly how the corrupt religions and politician's masters (the richest materialists) want you.
They have no True Understanding of what is, in the REALLY BIG PICTURE, actually going on.
They can only see as far as their hip pocket, and all the material power it brings them.
They definitely do not care about you or your partner or your children, no matter what they tell you.
Yet because of their material confidence, (self-small-s convincing), having themselves been fooled and lured by the world to follow others and not their True Self (Holy Spirit), they make it their business to become most persuasive "hypnotisers", and if they cannot convince you to follow them (so-as to support their own delusion), they can and will offer you "all the wealth of the world" to do so.
This is the very enemy of your own Soul, for your Soul wants not material wealth but Spiritual Wealth, which is a State of Being, in complete opposite to everything the most deluded thence quite satanic moguls of materialism offer.
This doesn't mean you should abandon all your material wealth.
Do not let your fears run amuck in your mind.
Today most people are very aware of the folly of too much.
Most of us know that too much (materialism) is trivial to that which brings Real Peace and Happiness.
All you need to do, that is what you must do, is stop accepting the lies our politicians and false economists keep thrusting at us about "the competitive society" and "the evils of Communism".
There are fundamentals we need to check; for example, the size and even need of a car, any "addiction" to materialism, our attachment to beliefs which, if placed under the "Spotlight of Truth", are dangerous to Life on Earth.
But it does not mean we have to become Communists or Greenie primitives.
All we have to do is vote for those parties who challenge the dated orthodoxy with a more Harmonious policy.
Harmonious to a Peaceful life for all living beings on Earth.
But be wary. For you know as much as any that politics today is as crooked as ever, and that for any new "party" to stand a chance, they must "kowtow" to the dominant political paradigm.
This however, is only because there are not enough of us, that is "the you's-and-me's of the world", who are prepared to stand up and vote for the people who can Advocate and Represent a Better, Spiritual Way.
I have been defamed too much over the passed ten years, merely for Standing Firm against political corruption, to enter politics, yet, sadly, I do not see anyone on or beyond the horizon who stands for the Truth about Economics and politics.
But they will come, be sure of that. and, whether in our lifetime or not, Justice and Peace will reign on Earth.
Until then, be True to your Self, which is the Same in All Creatures, for you and they are the Children of the One Supreme Spirit, the Father of Everything.
He is Truth and Love and Goodness.
Love Him before any thing, and you will be free.
May the Perfect Existence be Your Inspiration
Max N Cook. 25-11-97.
PS: Sept 15th ’04 edit: Sorry about the “Goddy” bits?
PPS: The bit near the end about being done over too much to enter politics, has been updated to say NOW, after too much shitte, I could not be bothered.........
Friday, September 03, 2004
Church Terrorism
The Church pulpit is mass hypnotism!
Or is that mass terrorism?
Have you listened to what the clergy prattle on about when they're up there?
- The 1st Global Political/Social/Spiritual Movement for All The People of Earth
I saw a need, so I invented a Movement....
“...The current western political system is democratic in name only, and is becoming less so by the day, having been commandeered by selfish, ruthless business economists with absolutely no real Social Good in mind.”
Across the world, subsuming man-made laws, is a fast-spreading, ungoverned mixture of opulence, social fatalism and liberationist anarchy. If this ignorance is left to run, the only result will be total chaos and the death.... of “Society”.
Godless selfishness has the people by the throat, and is spreading through society like a virulent cancer, stupefying people into celebrating ignorance, making “Reason” an aberration, and “Intelligence” the enemy.
People are becoming less tolerant, less considerate of their fellow human beings and ever-so-much-more brutish and egocentric. Man is only egocentric because he lacks Self Understanding, Self Knowledge, and becomes more so, the more he turns away from his..... Self.
The nature of the corrupt, anti-social economic system, now serves firstly to exacerbate mankind’s malfunctioning egoism, and secondly makes thoughtful people more determined to find the Truth.
Instead however, the average “man-in-the-street” is driven to be totally preoccupied with “fighting his neighbour in the marketplace” to afford artificially priced Mortgages (O.F.: “death-pledge”), rents, and taxes, hence robbing him of any chance to Truly Relax, to fall deeply silent in Mind and Heart, until Still, Clear, Empty, of the endless rubbish drummed into him by the mindless, Heartless, moral-less propaganda juggernaut of selfist, materialist, business, media and advertising.
Little wonder no-one “hears”, has no time to be interested in, what any Champions of Social Justice have to say!
The ruling plutocrats are “deaf” to this- “deaf” to the Truth. If the plans of the plutocrat’s keep going as they are, they’ll be safely roosted away in geographic/demographic- econographic safe-havens, protected by the rapidly expanding, armed, police and security forces, while social chaos, eventual urban warfare, will be the “norm” everywhere-else, for everyone-else.
Melbourne’s calm is now the exception, not the rule.
The increasingly dysfunctional egocentricity (rooted in ignore-ance of Truth) of unbridled, unethical, desperatist economic misguidance is corrupting the Hearts and minds of men, women and children, and educating all to hate the Good, in themself.
Education; to develop the faculties and powers of by teaching, instruction.
Educe: to draw forth or bring out; elicit; develop. (Latin: educere; lead forth, bring up)
Draw forth what? Clarity...., or chaos??? Good....., or evil?? Love....., or hate????
From within the Hearts of Children!!!
Look at the community!
Look at the chillingly cold generations of children being raised!
Look at the business world.... the social world..... the family’s world!
What’s it to be folks....... ignorance, hate, war......or
The One, True Economic Science
Democratic Economic Movement for One Society
will break the chains of belief in a ruined future, will refire Hope-big-H in the Hearts and Minds of all the People, and will offer The Knowledge to clean-up the mental, physical and economic environment for “The Demos”, for “The People”, for Every One, World-Wide.
is One Movement.
excludes nothing, includes
the Science of Self Understanding.
Teaches the Science of Social Economics.
offers Freedom, offers True, World Peace
May the Perfect Existence be Your Inspiration
David listened to Colleen rant about her frustrations for ten minutes.
Then he stood, walked toward her and looked her in the eye.
She stopped, mesmerised, and held eye contact, but without his changing the slightest curl of lip or raise of eyebrow, merely by his thinking a thought of jocular disdain, she twitched her head, looked away, and fell into a silence of introspection, as if for the first time she had actually heard herself carrying on.
Immediately they moved. David calmly turned to the kitchenette sink. Colleen, as if in shock, walked into the lounge, where she sat pensively on the two-seater sofa, stunned into reconsidering everything she had just been castigating David on, about his earlier commentary on Spirit, on the powers of the mind, about the strength which comes to one who aligns their whole being with the “Greater Whole Reality”.
He lifted a glass from the “washed” side of the sink, and turned to pour himself some water.
Without looking at her, he knew she had raised her head to watch him, and knew she was now submissive.
“We are not One” he said. “While you are liberated from the traditional role of woman-the-servant, you have become fixed in the celebration, and lose your Self in egoism.”
Colleen shifted in uneasiness.
“Of course this goes against your controlling Spirit, but Knowledge on these matters can only be heard by those who have dedicated themselves to wanting to hear.”
“What is truth David?” Colleen said after a few moments silence, remembering an earlier conversation, which also left her feeling a little vacuous.
“I can’t tell you” he said, emphasising the word ‘tell’. “All I can do, all anyone can do is make you aware of what is not Truth, and make you aware of the deception of people’s words,” he paused, “..... and of your own ability to observe the processes of mind which feed on and perpetuate ever greater delusion...... then finally..... hopefully...... I can guide you to trustworthy literature and teachers.”
He moved into the lounge room and sat at his desk, swinging his office chair around to look at her.
“Even then” he continued, “everything I say is useless unless you want to know, and you must want to know from the depths of your Heart”.
“Do I want to know?” Colleen said, half asking herself, her head bowed and resting in her hands, with elbows on her knees.
“One half of you does, but the false ego, the one which grows from untruths, would have you believe in anything but a Higher Spirit, and will fight tooth and nail to convince you that Truth is the illusion.”
“That’s why, if you’re serious, you must take that hardest step of all and reject your opinions..... reject, or better, let go of all you’ve come to believe about such matters.”
“Oh-God!! Colleen retorted in exasperation and laughter. “What are you asking? How on Earth can I - can anybody do that??”
As she threw herself back on the sofa, ‘til looking up at the ceiling, in a restrained, guttural tone she cried “ARGH!!!? You’re sending me crazy with your weird statements!!”
Immediately David responded to prevent what she’d just said from taking hold in her mind.
“Truth won’t send you crazy! It’s the untruth, the devil if-you-like, which sends us over sanity’s edge, into craziness.”
They said nothing for a while. Colleen eventually said in a gentle voice, “the devil hates Truth!” then, after a further pause, “How do I let go? God! Isn’t it crazy?!... I don’t even know how to let go!!”
“Maybe you can’t.” David said. “It isn’t easy! Maybe life is too good for you to want to ask such esoteric questions of yourself.
For some, these ethereal equations are logical, while others find them positively repulsive. The “Vedic” Teachings say this is due to our different Spiritual development through many lives, a positive or negative legacy from our own Karma and Sanskara from past lives. The analyst perceives it as psychological nurturing in the family and early social environment. Both are quite feasible to my mind, but those who believe in the genetic theory, are, well, some way short of any real understanding. It’s such a shame that “qualifications” are yet only literal and not Spiritual. But that’ll come.
But besides, rarely in Kali Yuga are people raised to see beyond the temptation of the “Great Delusion”.
Colleen was uneasy. Her mind was wavering between chaos and calm. She knew enough about herself to observe that somewhere inside, she wanted to agree with what David was saying, but whenever that feeling showed signs of warming her Heart, her rebellious emotional self launched forth a torrent of thought and question - thought and question - question?-question??-question??? -
This inner duel was ripping at her Soul, giving her no pleasure, confusing her, causing her to react with more challenges to David’s powerful presence.
Again she stood up and began to verbalise all kinds of shallow question and statement about the “evolution” and “animal” theories, none of which David sought to answer.
After a minute of babble, she exhaled with a deep sigh. She was unable to keep it up against the calmness she found herself falling more and more for each time she listened to him.
Her facial expressions had changed several times in the last half-hour, from aloof to idiotic, from enraged to submissive, from demonic to angelic, but her mind was even more varied in it’s fill.
At last without speaking she turned and walked into David’s bedroom. As if in an hypnotic trance she removed her blouse, shoes and socks and climbed into his bed.
David came in, saw she was withdrawing, so changed his shoes and told her he was off to work.
Colleen anxiously raised her head from the pillow.
“Do you want me to go now?” she asked.
He responded by saying “You can stay here as long as you need to. You know I trust you”.
Colleen slept until ten o’clock that night, when awoken by a loud car on the road. It took her a little while to orientate herself with David’s bedroom in the darkness. When she remembered, she calmed down and lay there for ten or fifteen minutes, listening to the ambient neighbourhood noises.
She began to think. About David, and his “aura”. She had trouble with her thoughts. “He’s almost too calm, too honest.... he can’t be for real!?”
And by the standards she was used to, having lived with Trevor on and off for eight years, and having mixed with heroin users of the night-club scene for almost as long, she found David to be quite alien....., yet so-o attractive in more ways than just his looks, which is why she couldn’t stop herself from calling on him.
But there was something else...... his calm mystique......?
She got up, dressed and made herself a coffee and a sandwich.
After reading some of David’s poems and short stories, and browsing through the bookshelf, she wrote a short note and left.
Trevor arrived home as usual, at five-thirty in the morning after work as a stripper in a night-club.
After they’d eaten the burgers he’d brought home, and were sitting back smoking marijuana, she worked the conversation round to the subject of Spirituality, something they had tried to discuss over the years, a subject which always ended in ridicule and derogatory jokes against Christians and Jews and Moslems.
Cleverly, she inspired Trevor to actually bring up David’s name, and so was able to talk about what David had said, though in a way as to not divulge her activities of the night before.
Trevor was calm but mocking for a short while, then suddenly changed tack and launched into a rave.
He jumped up from the couch and began gesticulating wildly with his arms, throwing his head up and down as he ranted and pranced around the room, just to doubly ensure he had her full attention.
For a full five minutes he shouted blasphemous accusations against all forms of belief in God, deriding all religions as the cause of all wars etc. David was slandered as a naive gutless idiot with brain damage etc, and sworn at as being satan himself, who only wants to make everyone as miserable as he is....... etc.
“More people’ve died..... in the name of God!!..... Ha!!.... than anything else. Besides!!.... everyone knows Davids a total nutcase. Naah! Piss ‘im off! Forget ‘im. All he’ll do is try to make you poor and a slave to some bullshit guru..... ha! like he thinks he is!!
Colleen remained silent when she remembered that this is exactly what Trevor had done to her over the years they’d been together. She looked up at him and felt her blood run cold.
“Come-on, let’s go and score!” Trevor said, changing the subject while he still held the limelight. “I ran into Felix tonight, an’ ‘e reckons ‘e’s got some wicked hammer, like top shelf shit. Can’t wait to try some. Says he’ll lay a taste on us for nix, an’ if we like it ‘e’ll do us a spesh deal.”
Colleen fell silent. In her mind she was remembering David’s words about Happiness-big-H and the false happiness of another bottle of grog, another whack of hammer, or another barrage of meaningless words and loud noise to stupefy the insatiable, out-of-control mind.
While she was sitting in reflection, Trevor had showered and was back in the lounge room in another leather outfit, ready to score.
“Come-on!” Trevor gestured.
She returned from her thoughts, and looked up at him. He sensed her reluctance and quickly turned on the charm, walking over and smoothly falling onto the couch beside her.
“Loo-ok. Everyone knows that that’s just some shit dreamt up by some naive goodie-goodies who can’t handle the scene they’re in, so they start imagining all sorts of cosmic crap to try and escape the truth. We’re just animals, life’s all just one big accident, we’ve just got to make the most of whatever comes our way. We’re here for a good time, not a long time, so let’s just get into it and have fun!!”
Colleen was silent. Since her afternoon with David she had become aware of how Trevor and his kind knew how to turn on the velvet tongue and caress her ego into felling “loved”, and kind-of warm inside, making it almost right to accept the heroin habit she’d developed, and the prostitution.
But she knew better than to create a scene now. Felix’s offer was too tempting to let pass. But she noted the thoughts about the devils temptation. Coolly she got up from the couch and grabbed her handbag.
“Come-on!” she said.
It was over a fortnight before Colleen was in the city again.
This time she wasn’t there to thieve lingerie or cosmetics.
In a Book shop in Russell Street she asked the assistant “Do you sell a book called ‘The Geeta’?”
“Yes we do.”
Mon 2nd August, ‘04
Over the last three or four days I’ve been aware that I had a virus of the ‘flu-type’, or was being attacked by some other cretin.
Last night was a heavy night.
I drove down to the “Coates industrial estate" on Sibley St to sleep, as I often do, in the van, o’course.
I felt OK at bedtime, but during the night I was awoken by a blocked and runny nose.
My sinus gland was pumping mucus overtime, making for a very uncomfortable situation..
Hankerchiefs were all used so I rsorted to toilet paper, and worse…..?
I guess this began in the early AM hours, for it was a long night of rolling, spitting (into a bottle) nose-blowing, and eventually, ‘though it is interesting that this didn’t happen ‘til after daybreak, I could feel an ‘alien’ energy 1st in my stomach, then after the first vomit, the foreign little demon (we’ll call him “Peter”) seemed to get really aggressive in my lower digestive system.
I was involuntarily dry-wretching for a minute or so, only waning when I squatted and tensed my abdomen muscles.
As the dark night (it was a brilliant full moon actually, and cloudless) wore-on, I detected some ‘alien’ agitation in my nasal mucus glands!?
I realised this was an occult attack on the mucus glands to simulate a ‘flu’ virus-like reaction.
I focused my attention (finally) on the thought of retracting or closing-down that nasal gland, and quick enough, my nose cleared, and as at 9AM is still fairly dry. (As at 2-45PM, it’s trashed again, indicative of a real virus, I must say).
For at least 5 hours I’ve had a headache, of either a tobacco-grog hangover (but a very mild dose last night), or again that headachy discomfort typical of the flu.
So, one is left but to assume I HAVE the flu, and that the strength-sapping effects are being played-upon by “the alien energies!”
The discomfort of last night is not new to me. We’ve all been “flueey-pooey”.
However ----------------
The “alien attack” I refer to is of the occult variety, projected onto myself, or, my mind, by a bunch of crude-dudes - most all being of the “private-school” indoctrinated variety, like “Peter”, a supposedly "freakish-jerk-off" who has appeared in Nimbin in the last year, and has been harassing me since, with utterly non-sensicle questions/statements etc.
All done purely, I’m sure, to “diminish” my self-confidence - a critical means of defence against black magic of the Christian warp. He's also unrelenting in trying to “steal my light” as a witch might say of a vampire, (he’s often jerking himself about in the café. It’s obvious he’s staying active to ward-off the same kinds of attacks) by moving in-and-out of my “personal boundaries”, serving it’s purpose, as is made obvious by his little demonic laugh whenever he manages to distract me from reading or such.
Whenever I try for a sensible conversation, he fucks-it-up quite deliberately.
There is no doubt he is “on a mission” and if so it's from/for the Catholic church (he said he’s Catholic, but he could be anyone of them. He "smells" Catholic.)
I assert, Peter is a fraud, an occultist of no Good Intentions.
Although in his defence, he, like all followers of the “Messiannic cults”, is psychologically very astray AND psychopathically ill (due to the “original flaws” of Abramic religions). "Forgive him Lord, ....for he knows not...........!"
But typically, he can’t see beyond the Catholic’s occult hypnotism and indoctrination.
I assume the Vatican, Canterbury, Chicago and Tel Aviv are aware of these points about the typical moronic-zombie, under a religion's spell. Are they aware of the dangers to Humanity though? If they are, then they'd be very aware of that which they call Satan............
Also, the whole premise of Judaism and Christianity is that “one day” God will reappear as the Man-God Messiah in-the-main apparently, to save a 4000-plus year old sick religious cult from it’s very-own ignorance, and from the now evident repercussions of 4-plus Millennia of many dangerously flawed beliefs, theories and doctrines, that can be seen for what they are, is overflowing with roaring gaps in it's logic and Wisdom.
An anarchistic, totally chaotic evolution of the Human Species, which needs Good Christian Crusaders to "save the heathens from themselves", be-the heathen Arabs or Aborigines or the Iraqis of today, is what the dumb-fuck Christian believe is their Mission. The Reality, the Truth if-you-like, is exactly the opposite.
Too many Cultures the Christians have plundered and overrun, were, pre-invasion, quite Balanced, Harmonious and Spiritual Cultures. Civilisations indeed! There predominated Profound Reverence for the Spiritual Forces of Nature, of Man (Humans) and of the Gods, and a Powerful, Whole-of-Community Will to Work with the Higher Powers, Gods, God.
..Then along came the missionaries..................
We've all been sucked-in by charismatic charlatans, yet even after the hardest of lessons, many more than will admit it, we keep "a quiet eye open" for that Hero who might Lift us beyond the misery we see all round.....
This is so typically western as a way of thinking..... looking OUT for INNER Peace!?
"Looking OUT for INNER Peace!?" With all the counter-Spiritual "fruits":
"DIRECT FROM ISRAEL! -Loose-mind-mania!"
Was it the Golden Calf they ate? Perhaps it had BSE? (Bovine Yonis or "MAD COW" disease?)
How sick are they?
Criminally, beyond the order of the worst war-criminals.
The thing most to be feared about the Judeo-Christian (unholy) alliance, is that, (like last night for myself) they will resort to anything in the vain (as in “vanity”) attempt to keep their crumbled religions afloat.
(EDIT: 6th August '04: I must say that that night events drove me to this little bloge-ssay, and since this e-ssay has been published, a week or less now, I've been hassled by the "straights", who seem to exude either the Christian spell or right-wing conservativeness. Wherever they have acquired their occult powers, through the Satanic Christian flocks, or some psychopathic town 'elder' is of no interest here, clearly they've been projecting occult onto my bwrain to piss-me-off.
What they hope to gain from that has innumerable possibilities, but one likely one is that I will "loose-it" and crown one of them with an iron bar. I'd go to jail or the psyche-hospital as a Demon-possessed maniac, to whit I could not argue, for it would be these same arseholes who're projecting into me to send me off-the-rails.
I wish, but I'm sorry, I see their plan, close to success as it was, and as of the last twenty years, I have not yet lost it and murdered anyone, and will endeavour to maintain that Pledge to myself into the future.
The whole of Jewish and Christian religion’s existence, all it’s war-crimes, and an immense (investment in a “theoretical?!” - FAAAARRRKKK!?!?!?!) reputation, is vested in and depends solely upon “A Messiah!”
That’s a lot of dependence, wealth and power for any individual to safely and Wisely handle.
What if, in Truth, the very notion of a Messiah, a ridgey-didge World Saviour, was wrong?!
(APAPLEXY*^$#&(*&^$^%$!!!!???) (Tremors under Rome!)
In religious idiots, being as they are, such a question sparks all sorts of spell-based, violent reactions from them. Because these "Messiannic" religions have gotten too big to possibly “manage” any such Truth, or thus to maintain ANY Spiritual Wisdom, bringing-forth such quite valid questions are rejected-point-blank.
If you observe such antics by Jews and Christians to avoid the Truth, you may well see a “puppet-master’s” spell at work, tugging and jerking fools all over the place, before they, Christians anyway, have a fit and start screaming “ONLY CHRISTIANS CAN GO TO HEAVEN!” and “JESUS IS THE WAY!?” etc.
Jews, I think are not in the same basket as "reborn" Christian.
So! Peter is in Nimbin to push me out, so I will be more accessible to the filthy and warped clasp of the religious anti-Christs - Jews and Christians, because they are paranoid about losing or of not having control enough (over the purported Messiah) to “manage” the situation of any Natural-thus-Truly-Arising Prophet. (A late addition, edit to this possibly puts "Peter" in quite another "basket", which I shall not identify now, and is dancing for two masters - the Micks, and Hmmmm?)
FOR THE CHURCHES KNOW, a Loose Prophet (or two?) - would bring the religions 1), to account, and 2), to their knees. She/He would bring down their dark empires - or at least “have a chat with ‘em,” about their errings………
Now hard as it is to do this blogthing on public library computers, an hour at a time ain't enough to make sure my "points" in these e-ssays are as clear and complete as I am seeing them in my head - y' un'erstand? So I maybe missing something in my case for the Non-Messiah.
But I think this suggests a contradiction - my posit that all Messianic religions are wrong, then talking about “loose Prophets” telling how to sort-out their mess, etc?
(I should know I s’pose, being the One these dumb-fuck religions reckon I am!?)
Maybe I am?! (Core-flummox-me?)
If I am, I am right in these analyses.
What a laugh I’d have, watching and listening to the clergy go freakin' NUTS with language to counter these postulations, and “prove” they are wrong.
If I am, I’m Right.
So, why are the Christian churches now ------ setting to screw-me-over?
In December last year, I was finally told who the churches regarded as their, and of course Humanity’s deadliest enemy -
Yar! Bewdiful!!!!
For some ten years I’d been kept in the dark about this, and involuntarily sent on “missions” to “DESTROY THE EVIL ONES!” by the church.
I began riding a motorbike at 17 years of age, unlicensed, unregistered, NO laws, and a fast BSA 500cc single (B-50-SS unit construction ’71 model), in 1973.
I cut my teeth so-to-say with ex-Angels some 20 years-plus my age.
I fucking KNOW, you blind religious fools, that dudes like Hell's Angels ARE NOT as evil in their hearts as possibly the majority of the clergy. Most of the clergy wouldn't be aware of who is making their opinions for them. Ie., they're under hypnotic spells.
"Evil" is the very same as religious ignorance.
Since I was told about the Angels, in December last, I've seriously considered what my next step should be.
I'll tell you I've come to a dead-end in trying to properly "connect" with those I dared percieve as my "allies", after ten years of their, and my unknown enemies continuous lying and fuckheadedness toward me.
I guess, though am not sure, I should make note of all the fuckheads who wouldn't tell me about the Angels, who because of the Satanism of the heirarchy of Judaism and Christianity (themselves under ancient hypnotic spells) the general Jew or Christian is 'programmed' to come-on SHIT-SCARRED if their totally warped "puppett-masters" want it. So they'll mess themselves big-time if the sorcerer tells 'em these bikers are Satanic. Why? Because "they LOOK so evillllll?!!?!?"
"Making note", is saying thank-you to them, and is about as much as I can profer, these days, ALL THINGS CONSIDERED!
So, for the last ten years or so, in the eyes of the dumbfuck western religions, I have been "helped"?
Also, while this gross deception prevailed (as it had to, damn it!) for some six years minimum, a "lifeline" was still available to me, through some media addresses (I can't call them 'contacts' ) I had, and, also, after a period of about 3 to 5 years of the fucking church(es) IN ALL IT'S WISDOM (!?) binding ALL it's secondary private-school students and those from a church education to regard me as Satan incarnate, and thus I lost too much to mention - ALL Human associations, friendships, family and all my possessions - after 3 to 5 years the church had a "change of heart"?!
So for six years or so, they've been pushing me psychically to do the True Work they're all too fucked-over in their heads to do for themselves.
PLEASE MAXIE, save us from THEM! The EVIL ONES!!!
Now, since hearing about my Brothers (a qualified use of the word "Brothers", having not been a rider for years, and having never actually joined any club, but used in the knowledge that we live and ride in the same Spirit of Freedom), the Angels, as I said, I considered MY options, but more importantly, the implications and ramifications of either one over the other choice.
I chose correctly.
Therefore, instead of the churches "searching their Souls" for where they fucked-up, they adopt the spell of stubborn reactionary and violent objection, which is exactly and Satanically what they threw at me last night.
The Anglican and Catholic "gangs" are low mothers no doubt about it, AND are perhaps the most deeply deceived and deluded religious mobs on Earth. They've been around in various disguises for 1700 years - AND STILL CAN'T GET IT RIGHT!!!!?
Fuck 'em.
Well, they got some things half-right, but these last 1700 years would test the Best of them.
Notice that such unrelenting decay and abject ignorance, was never such a problem in, for example, China, India and other "eastern" cultures, before the invaders and their evil "Missions" came?
"The more you deceive yourselves about ANYTHING,
.......the more you deceive yourselves about EVERYTHING!!!
(Quote me 1999 Victorian State election slogan)
Christian doctrine is riddled with flawed ideology, as well as with gross misinterpretations of Scripture. So it is obvious that such "Fine" dialogue, such delicate language containing anything of a Spiritual Truth (perhaps from some Wisdom gene) which elucidates Truth to lesser or unawakened ears, will be beyond them.
Added to this is my assertion that Christianity is in fact an occult sect of Judaism.
Stre-etchin' it a bit, a bloke could almost postulate that Christianity is in fact one which grew from quite deliberate intentions of ancient Israel, to counter-attack the invading Romans, and thus is militarist in intent. If there's any merit in such a wild postulation, this makes Christianity even less credible as a Genuine "G-O-D" centred religion.
The Holy Roman Empire, that grew from missionaries from Israel (?), is a prime example of a flawed ideology. And what is the REAL state of Life in Europe these days? Just ask all those who emigrate!
Good on yer Christians!?
Immediately I know many will react with argument for "ALL THE BENEFITS!" so-screamed of the likes of the long Roman Empire(s).
But let's be real? History tells us now that four thousand years (5, 6, or 7 thousand if you like) for one civilisation, perhaps even a daintily refined one like the poonse-plagued west, is nought, nothing, zilch, zero, in "Mature" terms, in "Enlightened" terms, when compared to an ancient-that-is-twenty-thousand year old Culture, or as Our Precious Aborigines SIXTY thousand years, perhaps 100 thousand and more.
Then there's the Garden of Eden??????? How long was that around before the Fall???
And what was It, that held it together for.....................e....o....n....s?
(Surprise me George Bush and agree?!)
Yet more!
"Religions" per se, are but the last, lowest remnant of any Genuinely Spiritual Culture. Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching" makes clear reference to religions rise from the fall of Spirituality in the People. (Sorry I can't access it here-and-now to quote Him.)
That People find the need to make religion such an overt, prominant part of their and other people's lives, betrays the Subtle Nature of such "Stuff", for it is the most Personal Trip if-I-may, and is reduced in Quality if overtly displayed like the "western" mobs do. Yeshue said something about that too, aye?
To Understand this is to be a Taoist.
For, I believe that Tao, as-it-were, was not openly worshipped in the days before the world became ingulfed in the 20th Century "Industrial Wars Period", and the Communists clamped-down on "superstitous" religious practices. It was quietly Revered in all the People did, and was prayed to, offered Blessing to, in the "Altar-Room" in People's own homes. Temples existed, but were not I think visited every Sunday or such, en masse. More they were Quiet Places for Peaceful Contemplation. This Order I example, of China, reflects, assuming it is accurate, the Wisdom of China as a Nation, and ancient Nation, but perhaps more, an ancient Culture.
However, let's be BALANCED also, for I know China has been through many of it's own stormy periods too, and if I were anyone else I'd be snowed with those "email blocking thinees" telling me about the millions who died in the dark times in the mystic east, etc. Fair enough.
Whatever you believe, and maybe be able to prove, I put it that the Chinese Mind is in a far better condition than the western mind, or, again, was, before the British dealt their way in. And had been for MUCH longer, than the Judeo-Christian, western cult.
Clearly there is something Basic, Fundamental about such very-much older Cultures than the west is, and it seems to me that the sustainability of these "eastern" Cultures, is due to their never having lost the "Silence of God" within, or the ability and recognition of the importance of the Still Mind, to All Life.
Birds do It, Dogs do It, koalas do It, Lions, Eagles, Polar Bears do It, so why don't WE do It, (yeah..... "and fall in love....". Funnily enough, the Stillness aforementioned, is the same.)
Western religions have wandered a torturous and twisted road - from Eden, but Judaism and Christianity fell right-of-the-Spiritual-cliff long before Yeshua ben Joseph flew-in. And 2000 years longer-ago than the use of the word, "religion" came into use when refering to Cults, Orders etc.
[See my e-ssay "Free the Churches! FREE THE PEOPLE!" at my weblog site:
Having invested huge amounts of time, thought, money and action, not to mention the verbose self-flagulating rhetoric of supposedly "High Thinking" People, People who are known to most as "really missing the mark!", (though personally, I must say.............., I've had lovely conversations with them usually, uptil 1996), invested thus, managing my "messiah spell" if-you-like, the broadest Christian church is, (and now-a-days, Judaism and Islam) since my recent "renunciation" as-it-is, upset!?
("I Abdicate!" I had on back of my van through Autumn of 2004.)
This, totally aside form my five year long rebuttle of the very notion of a "Messiah", really gives them something to Struggle with..............
Thursday, July 15, 2004
For some Godly Reason I am doing the Work few-if-any
other Human Beings are capable or brave enough to do.
That is, as the Australian Aborigines say "TALKING
TRUE", about the fundamental issues we ALL must
address if we are serious about World Peace.
World Peace doesn't mean molifying the present-day
egomaniacs, so they don't feel too shameful when
thinking about their grandkids etc.
World Peace is about setting the scene, of what we,
today, must do, so that the Human Species, as forlorn
as it has become, survives, not for fifty years, nor
two hundred years, but PERENNIALLY! That is for
further into the "future" than any of us can perceive
or imagine.
All of you, and this email goes primarily to the
Global and Local politicians and Media outlets, GET
ALL OF WHAT YOU DO, is egocentric!
It is not I, Max No Difference, who, of anyone on
Earth, can bring the whole fegging stock-market, and
it's mega-materialistic empires down, will bring it
down, but simply, the ignorance of the mass of YOU,
who refuse to face the HARD FACTS about what is
steering and mis-guiding the current planetary
By this I mean, it is time to stop the
self-flaggalation, or, WITH THE COMMAND, all your
fantasies will be brought to a serious and
unrebuildable HALT.
NOT by any radical Osama bin Laden, but by those
Warriors of our own nations who are already adjusted
to what YOU IMMATURE LOT refuse to prepare yourselves
(How's your Fat Latte, darlink?")
Whether you are a supposed SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS
JOURNALIST, a School Teacher, Priest or radical
"Left-Wing Unionist or Politician, the facts remain.
No matter how many fegging lawyers you employ, to
bullshit their way through the legitimate accusations
against your egomania, the Warriors are ready, VERY
READY, they're also VERY VERY ANGRY, and so, are
waiting for the WORD!
Across north and south America, across Australia,
Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa, and on........!
The ATTACHMENT I send with this missive, is what has
been sent to Osama bin Laden, via the ALJAZEERA.NET
news network.
It is the news that the media, western, middle or
eastern DON'T tell the People!
As it has been for several years the psychotic
plutocrats here and in Europe, the USA and Britain,
have employed all their dark forces to catagorise me,
Max No Difference, aka Max N Cook, as insane.
They, via their utterly fraudulant practices of
psychology, psychiatry and psycho-analysis, seem to
like to apply the hazy term 'schizophrenia'; the term
IN FACT most suited to THEIR profession(s) which
specialise in splitting the heart and mind of the
"patient" from his/her own Soul, in their shallow
(un)'scientific' sorcery which denies the existence of
"Soul", which, MUST YOU BE REMINDED, is what THE WORD
"Psyche" means in Greek (or is it Latin?)
Why, because I fearlessly challenge the Christian
Churches and their totally psychotic Land Thieves of
the English, European and American plutocracy's abuse
of the occult, sorcery, witchcraft, parapsychology,
conjuring, E.S.P., magic, against the masses, and
against Freedom Fighters wherever we threaten their
anachronistic Land-owning hegemony.
You will no doubt be 'spell-bound' enough from your
own church-based education-read-indoctrination, to
fear the loss of your precious little fegging incomes
to do the same, and challenge the evil-thereof
out-in-the-open, say what?
If any of you can grasp the realities of what this
does to us, that is the abuse of the SUPERNATURAL
POWERS, which we can readily find reference to in
and what such abuse is doing to the chances of our
Species survival, then GET OF YOUR FAT-CELLS and bring
it out, to the attention of the public!
If you refuse, because of your delusions of
selfishness and fear, you are spelling the end of
everything the Good People of History have sought to
establish, making an horrendous mockery of your own
existences and institutions and the otherwise Good
Forces behind them.
The Better Folk in Christianity and Judaism (deluded
and Satanically deceived though most of them are!);
The Better Folk in Islam, Buddhism, Taoism et al, et
al, ie., the Genuinely Religious, for one.
The understandably atheist fighters of the Unions and
their "left-wing" ilk, secondly, and the majority of
pre-colonialist Indigenous Peoples from all-over the
Planet, third-but-definitely-not-least!
All of you, to whom I address this email, and to
most-if-not-all your compatriots who read it, I'd say,
have been dragged-up through the western
"Private-School" system of indoctrination, and long
ago were coerced into unquestioning allegiance - YES?!
Yet look at the result!
Absolutely sickening 'pandering' to some of the most
smalmy-yet-MOST DEADLY FRAUDS, in what we call "The
professions" of Psychology, Psychiatry,
Psycho-analysis etc.
These scurges against the Mental and Spiritual Health
of the Whole Human Society are allowed by 'the media'
to get away with not just metaphorical murder, but
with out-and-out allegorical GENOCIDE, purely to
satisfy their own seriously ill, seriously deluded,
SERIOUSLY SPELL-BOUND minds-read-egos.
you know who I am..........
So do the Warriors of Truth, and they're waiting.....
If you want any fegging Messiah to come,
once more I scream,
For if He comes, and lays eyes on what you are
perpetuating, Oh Boy! Words fail me as to your fate.
Or the fate of your children, of your grandchildren
and on, and on.........
Denounce the professions of psychology, psychiatry and
psycho-analysis etc, to begin with, right across the
media, political, AND RELIGIOUS boards, OR YOU'LL
It is clear the "establishment" want me to raise my
powers because this (my) means of "Media" I call the
"ASTRAL MEDIA", exposes too much of their fraudulance
for them to bear.
To them, and all who are fooled into advocating that I
should do the same, I say "Get thee to your graves,
Yes..... Max is VERY VERY ANGRY.
What YOU gonna do about it??????????
Sell you're fegging motor-cars, to begin with.........
I sent an email to Steve Bracks on Monday 12th January
2004 suggesting in strong terms that, due to the
impending global ecological disaster our errant ways
of chewing-up the planet's resources seems set to
bring-on, he, and his counterparts have a Duty to Call
"A State of Emergency".
Anyone who laughs at such a suggestion, is possessed,
and should divorce themselves from their society
immediately, to spend AT LEAST three months in total
reclusion in a Buddhist, or similar 'ashram'. For
nothing the western money-makers-that-is-'professions'
of psychology, psychiatry or psycho-analysis offers
has a credible or genuine answer, cure, solution for
your mental illness.
I'm not 'priveleged' enough (Hark! The uninitiated
layman!") to be told what the latest 'theory' is from
the churches about the new world we have entered, now
so many of us have our occult, third eye open, but I
refuse to believe anything they have to say.
Especially about the notion of a Messiah!
If that word means anything, I reckon it means he, or
He, or indeed She, who will deliver to their mob,
clan, tribe or Species, THE MESSAGE, about how we CAN
AND MUST Live, ON EARTH, soas to Ascend or Attain to
the Higher Realms we know so-o much more about today
than we did just five-or-six years ago (Thank-you
Max!), whence we may Live in True Peace-on-Earth.
And where is THE MESSAGE!
IN YOUR FEGGING HEADS! "It's all in the Mind you
know!" to quote the Goons.
The True Purpose of this errant institution we call
Christianity (i.e., "the Religion of the Messenger"),
with all it's crimes against Humanity over the 1700
years (since the necessarily corrupting "Counsels of
Nicea") has been to bring us into the Light of Global,
or, Universal, Unity, where we can Commune together
across the Planet, and beyond to the Higher Realms of
Heaven, by means of Knowing the Basics about "How To
Live In Peace".
Even however, the dickheaded spellbound shrinks and
their pharmaceutical sponsors are a part of that
erroneous road we must travel, soas for us to see the
error of our delusion of 'free will', and delusions of
granduer of being, like the fallen angel Satan, set in
the belief that we are superior to the Highest Tao,
YHVH, Allah (Blessed and Hallowed Be His Name), and
that we can supposedly do a better job on Earth.
Quite obviously, or haven't you looked lately, we are
NOT capable of doing a better job than AUM.
"Vanity, vanity, it's all vanity!" cried the
Shakespearean character.
The Angels here in Hell, are warning you to
Or your projeny will pay the consequences!
If any of the Christian Churches and their leaders are
Genuine, then they MUST denounce the 'professions' of
psychology, psychiatry and psycho-analysis, and 'evil'
to use their terminology.
While they are at it, I Call them, to do the same with
that other 'profession' of lawyers. If the Churches
of Christianity cannot bring themselves to denounce
that which they have created, i.e., the deceitful
professions, then they are exposed as 'enemies of the
people', and needs-must be closed-down, or be
Hard Love
for Peace on Earth
Max No Difference
I wrote this sitting on a brick, next to "Platypus Rock" at Granny's Farm Backpackers, Nimbin N.S.W. Australia, in about March of 1998.
The birds, foals, children and the wind played just as described.
The Lord Mayor of Gaia sat, and looked. He watched the birds play and the foals frolic. He was the play and the frolic, and He was the bird and the foal.
Children walked passed him and seemed not to notice him, but everywhere, saw him.
Observers were many in these lands. Bunjalung, Tibetan, Canadian, African and other Beings.
Most enjoyed the birds, foals and children, some just the enjoyment.
The Lord Mayor of Gaia enjoyed.
He turned his head, for Trouble spoke to him.
"Is this so?" He asked. No-one other than He, did he ask.
And the Wind skittled across the field and swirled in the trees behind his stool.
"I must be still" he said and closed his eyes.
The Wind becalmed.
Trouble spoke again. The Lord Mayor fell deeper into Himself.
Trouble fell quiet.
The Crickets ceased chirping. The Noisy-Miners were not.
The Lord Mayor of Gaia Praised the Peace.
The Lord Mayor of Gaia is the Fulfillment of Man's Growth on Earth. He is the gatherer and dispenser of Human Being.
Since the Silver Age, nations tried to restore the Qualities of the Superman of the Golden Age with breeding, nurturing and conditioning of every kind exhausted on one King, Queen or another elected or selected child.
Every effort failed.
Bandit, Warrior, Governor, President, Monarch, Mogul and Priest had all sought such a Perfection in themselves, which would be to engender the Highest of Virtues in their people.
Some came close, but all were premature. Some achieved Heaven in their own Way, radiating Love to many around them.
But around their borders the weaker tribes lay in envious wait.
So too has been the Lord Mayor of Gaia laying, sitting, working, in wait.
Some, Warriors and Kings, saw the traps, saw the Gate through which Heaven's Prince must pass, and the path one must take. Abstaining from earthly desires and riches, Meditating on "no thing", they saw "Who" they were, and enjoyed that Self. But alas, that Essence they enjoyed alone.
Throughout, their Tribes, Nations or Kingdoms they Happily shared their Sweet-cake, but, because of the epoch, era, aeon, they could not share the icing.
Those Graced Masters ran and swam and flew in that Timeless Eternal moment and gave of It what they could to their Families and Nations.
From these efforts came mendicants and monks, Gurus and Hermits. Some conquering the world, some simply renouncing the world, some Enlightening it.
All saw the path to Peace as a series of stepping stones. Some knew themselves as a stone, some the foot which stepped, some the action of stepping.
They moved, or sat, as was the calling.
They saw the paradox, they saw the trichotomy. Move, sit, or do neither.
They were the Lord Mayor of Gaia, albe-they eons before His Time.
And He was they, as He was all they knew.
He, They, through experience Knew the beginning of the Road to Peace on Earth was not on Earth. He, They, knew that even while earth-bound, that is, bound to earthly desires and consciousness, on desiring Heaven on Earth, the road to It began in Heaven. So say the Wise, so said the Masters, so speaks the Silent Soul.
"We may be a thousand years away from our Self," says the Lord Mayor of Gaia. "No more, less if we want."
"This Self is the Goal, and is here if we want. Why we want it not, is Earthly. Why we want it, is Heavenly. To not want it is to play the prisoner. To want it, is the jailhouse key. You, are the jailer, the jail and the prisoner, as your desires dictate and control the limits of your consciousness.
You are with the Lord Mayor of Gaia when all conscious limits are dissolved."
The Lord Mayor of Gaia fell deeper into Himself.
And the rains came, and the seasons were restored. Heaven dawned in all Souls on feeling the change, as it spread across the land.
Bigger than any marketed momentum, yet through the machinery and machinations of it the Soul of Heaven spread upon the energy it gained from it's goal, into all hearts.
Armies Meditated, and Buddhists played rugby.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Religion and the LAND
There's not a Christian, Jewish or Islamic cleric, nor Buddhist nun/monk in Australia who is not aware of the Fundamental Economic Issue of LAND RENT for GOVERNMENT REVENUE today - in 2004 - pre-federal election - and of it's Importance as the Bedrock of a Balanced Economy, from local-thru-global society.
That this LAND RENT Economic policy is recorded in the Abrahamic Faiths Bible (Leviticus 25), as how YHVH-God-Allah wants Mankind to account and thus order ourselves, surely must demand that the Abrahamic Faiths Advocate it!
What's more, the word is, according to many sneaky watchers, the Messiah is currently "walking this Earth" (this planet)! HE'S HERE!! - THERE!! somewhere? EVERYWHERE?!
and I have no doubt, that uptil early 2004, if not as early as December 2003, the majority of Christians, right up through the hierarchy and global bastions, believed "HE! is here among us" as I've heard them gossip.
If so, by all accounts the whole trifecta of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic cult, standing as they insist on doing as the "intermediary" between the 'faithful' (read gullible and weak) and "Y.G.A." (YHVH, God, Allah), have an enormous amount of work to do to "clean themselves up" in body, mind, heart and Soul, "and with all their might!" to quote our most shining Comrade, in readiness for That Man.
I'd guess a hazard and say that such work is beyond all three of them, but cannot and perhaps dare not offer an alternative, especially seeing as they are really shitty with me lately since I pledged allegance to the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club, and have Soundly Argued that the whole concept of a "Messiah" as propagandised by occultists of the golden calf tribes, is NOW - a rort and a gross injustice against True Human Progress.
Haven't slept the best these recent nights. Judeo-Christian occult energy fills the dark air.
Isn't the Call, "make straight the road, for the Messiah"?
Surely Abraham's trio spruke that one, yet daily we learn of more rott and scandal exuding-and-blasting from all levels of these lost religions.
I'd say that the church today is so wrong-headed because it's humble servants have had to conceil from the flock, the REAL cause of what is now a planetwide indignation against ALL Souls - the selling of Life's Mother; the Land; Eartha, for private-thus-anti-Community - profit.
The ramifications of, for example, the 1475 "Land Enclosure Act" in England, longterm, are threateningly manifest today. The Christian church, particularly the Anglican, was the first and possibly largest beneficiary of this law. So it could well stand to Reason that they would go to any length to conceal the Fundamentality of the "Land/Labor relationship" as I coined it in an earlier series of e-ssays (found on this blogsite: "LAND AND LABOR - GLOBAL").
The Reason being that Equitable access to enough land to make a living, " All Men", as they'd say in the "old days", " All Humans" in more contemporary parlance, relieves all their Souls of the Spiritual disquiet which inevitably arises from being disenfranchised from their Indigenous Homelands, from having no roots to the Land. Such Relief that Man no longer needs staltified institutions like the "post-Nicea" Christian church.
If the "Abrahamic" faiths have any Soul left, then for a fast-tracking of stress-relief worldwide, they MUST speak-out - UNITED - about LAND DISTRIBUTION and LAND RENT for GOVERNMENT REVENUE, according to 19th Century San Franciscan (USA) Philosopher Mr Henry George.
Today, ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, for all religion, AS ONE, To NOT Speak about the LAND and LAND RENT for GOVERNMENT REVENUE, begs and deserves total loss of faith, in any, and perhaps all of them.
I, Max No Difference, say, with some Authority, that if the Abrahamic religions are to redeem themselves from their treacherously sinful nature of the last seventeen hundred years or so (actually sinful since the "Fall from Eden!"), they should - forthwith
- cease completely the current "psychic wars" they are playing-out in the Middle-East, and throughout the Jewish-Christian diasporas (whence comes their funding), and
- - cease completely the current "psychic wars" they are playing-out against the Peaceloving Peoples of Cuba, as the American Christian right-wing fundamentalist occultists are projecting upon Cuba right now, and
- cease completely the current "psychic wars" they are playing-out against the Peaceloving Peoples of Nimbin Australia, and if they do have Right Faith in the One True Creator, not just security in numbers-type faith, nor faith in their ridiculous and illgotten wealth, they are obliged to get their acts together and speak out against the current, deadly and global BAD LAND LAWS.
- in Australia, immediately Counsel the whole Australian parliament on replacing BAD LAND LAWS with a UNITED Global Reformation to LAND RENT for GOVERNMENT REVENUE.
Then we'll see if the "Messiah" wants to "pop-in" and save the lost sheep, or whatever He's s'posed to do?
DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, July 12, 2004
Land & Labor - Global
Calling for United Worldwide Political/Economic Reform
by Max No Difference
7th April 2004
I’ve been trying to put a series of essays together about the current Australian and Global political needs.
My feelings are that radical “adjustments” are urgently needed, addressing the very roots of almost all of our current social, religious and political/economic ways.
Land & Labor Global is the name which has come-to-mind for a worldwide reformist political party which DOES address these otherwise repeatedly avoided issues, and which proposes fundamental reform pretty-much across-the-board, from education, health, and welfare, to the veracity of religions and political think-tanks of the day.
As is suggested in these essays, “Leaders” can be as dangerous as they can be the basis for a “Bright New Day” so-to-speak.
The Ideal Leader, to my mind, is one who inspires “The People” en masse, to take-up the batton themselves, and bring such Ideas as the “Visionary” Leader(s) have, which find broad Community Agreement and Approval (all based upon Science and Spiritual Wisdom, ie., “The Search for Truth”), to fruition Locally, while coinciding with the same Moves by the Global Collective, catering for the overall needs of Life-on-Earth.
Put bluntly, I don’t want to be any “Leader”, but I’m Happy to Help make the World a Better Home (or “transit-point”) for all poor Souls who must pass this way.
In the meantime, I invite the listener into the room of my mind to listen to these “notes”, and contemplate the Ideas.
Time is important, in respect to the Australian political scene, and so it is globally of course, but important also, is “timing” – when everything is right for the Introduction of such a Global Organisation.
Max No Difference
Land & Labor - Global
(Preparing the “Soil-of-Mind”)
I have finally become aware of the true intentions of the whole body of the Christian church.
It is extremely important that the public is fully aware of the hidden condition of Christianity - appalling and desperate - and that for decades, as far as I know, although probably for centuries, the hierarchy of Christianity, in all it’s branches, has been searching for that which makes (and, they hope, Justifies) the Christian religion and all it’s crimes against Humanity - the Messiah.
This search has been going on in the most recent centuries, I suggest, because the church has been painfully aware of it’s hidden condition - appalling and desperate - and that while it’s clergy are locked into the materialistic way of thinking with erroneous philosophy underpinning all Christian thought and belief, the ways the religion has come to “construct” thoughts, arguments and beliefs, over a two-to-five millennia-long line of “wrong-headed” thinking, indeed from the fall from the Garden of Eden to this day, it cannot Liberate itself or it’s “flock”.
So, a “scape-goat” has had to be found.
Today, after almost 1700 years of Catholic “out there” doctrine and dogma, the church cannot bring itself to change it’s way of thinking, seeing and acting on the world, so needs it’s own Messiah to release it from these “spells” which so limit it’s want for Godliness.
Unable to get over this failing of it’s own wrong-headed doctrine/dogma, the church sought and thought it had found “Him” who would redeem it, and thus save it from self-destruction.
Were it only involved in it’s own survival, one would not be so “down-on-the-church”.
The bad news is, the church has had it’s smarmy fingers in politics for centuries - at least since Rome adopted Christianity - yet research will find much evidence of the pre-Christian “Pagan” religion being very-much at the centre-of-influence of government of the Roman Empire and the adversarial political debate for centuries further-back into history.
Yet for too long the church has denied, until it is dogma, any marriage-of-influence between church and state.
I cannot be convinced away from believing that the church and it’s politics, is/are well-passed their “use-by date”, and that for Humanity to move any closer to a “sane” world, Christianity needs-must be dissolved. If it is incapable of dismantling itself without a fight, or at least without some kind of “Imperial Confession” where it admits to it’s erroneous beliefs and ways of thinking - essentially ways which must have the Christian philosopher conclude that Armageddon is inevitable - then Humanity must find other ways to put-it-to-rest, as it were.
I’m of the opinion that “as we think, so we shall be”.
Within Christian thinking, Armageddon is what is prophesied will happen. That is the “end-game” of their belief. It underpins all Christian thought, especially in government, when contemplating the longer-term future, whence I believe we see no policies which genuinely address the long-term-future.
I believe this has an effect on the Christian’s short-term perview also, as can be witnessed by the Christian culture’s excessively consumptive material way-of-living, necessitating an all-round abuse of resources.
By “longer-term” I mean 1,000- 2,000-plus years!
After forty-or-more years of observing the Australian, American and Anglo-European “consumer-culture”, I realise this as a condition of the deeply manipulated minds of a mass of individuals, and I put it that this is rooted in no less than the “spell-of-an-ancient-sorcerer”.
Perhaps a spell cast on the minds of the children of Eve and Adam, by who-is-to-know? The “Serpent” (Fire) of Eve’s raised kundalini and opened third-eye, perhaps? (Genesis 3:1-7)
Perhaps Jacob, whose name became “Israel”, when he opened his third, “astral” eye, on that long night spent “wrestling” with the mysterious man on the bridge (Genesis 32:22-30), was the first to put a materialistic spell on his flock? (Indeed, I assert that ALL attractions, so-often-becoming-addictions to the material world, whether a needle of heroin or “all the wealth of Bill Gates’s world” are but magical spells cast over our minds.)
Whatever? Surely, in the sense of “go forth and overcome the world”, Christian culture advocates an antipathy to Nature.
The “end”, exposes the “means”!
What Earth witnesses today, is the end of a long-distance history of staggering along a dead-end cultural garden path of the “golden calf tribes” post-Moses, which untold to the masses, overtook the minds and hearts of the main body of Jews and therefore Christians, and eventually, the Romans until later, the global Christian church.
Done Right, Humanity changes Respectfully and Respectably, from the wrong, materialistic path of the current covens of Jew and Christian to the Path(s) where a Common “Security of Tenure” upon the Land enables us to calm-down, enough to overcome the inherent “paranoia spells” of empty silos, and of no time and no where to grow our own food, shelter, clothing and herbs, etc.
Done wrongly, we build bigger, less realistic defence weapons and storage silos. We waste trillions on unachievable military projects. All deludedly to defend the church and state upper-crust from “facing their own demons” of Mammonic insatiable desires. Something the world’s “Freedom Fighters” would ask of them eventually anyway.
The incorrect teachings of Christianity builds flawed synaptic and neuronic structures, circuitry, in the indoctrinated mind, designed to process every piece of information to fit into the Christian “song-line” or story whose last scene is war and destruction, of the Armageddon model.
It’s possible, that Armageddon becomes the war in the Christian’s head (if they are “thinking” at all, being the analysing of the information, data, news, facts, etc) which aligns with “the ‘God Within’ finally fed-up with all the rubbish floating around the head (devilish angels!), and, finding coping with the incessant noise a struggle, goes to THE BIG WAR against the mind’s uncontrolled mental activity.
To interpret the Bible on the most personal level, THAT is Armageddon! (Ask anyone whose been through bouts of “insanity”, or mental instability and, as likely they’ll relate to this analogy.)
On the same level, the Gnostic Arts are the Prevention and the Cure for the days of Change-BIG-CH, we live in now. Part of Doing It Right, I feel, is that the Gnostic Arts and Practices are introduced Universally into all Child-care centres and schools, asap.
But do they demand a Religion for their Benevolent Instruction?
At times, I get a strong sense that many “diseases” which affect the Human mind and brain, like “Altzhiemer’s” have their cause in the person being taught, from their earliest years, the incorrect way to use their mental faculties, which I believe happens in the western education methods of indoctrination.
Little regard has been given to perhaps our most precious “organ” - the mind/brain, at least in the last fifty or so years, but quite likely for seventeen hundred years since the beginnings of the Catholic church.
However, following the line I’ve been putting of late, that the Human Being or the western Caucasian version of, has been deeply astray since the “fall from the Garden of Eden” (Indeed, “what was “the Fall”, if it were not a step down the qualitative ladder? Surely this means we are something LESS than our original long-distant ancestors.), I say it is clear that our thinking has been pretty unintelligent since then.
Something happened at “the Fall”, and I might suggest that one thing was that we started using the mind incorrectly, either from circumstance, ignorance of the dangers, or for un-or-even-anti-spiritual purposes.
From my own observations of the last five or ten millennium, the western human race has definitely fallen from some Higher state, a state I suggest where we were in continual Communion with the Higher Essence, or perhaps the Universal Mind, thus with this later fabrication that the mind is to “plan, devise, scheme and make ourselves stinking rich-rich-rich”, on the physical/material plane, we repeatedly make wrong decisions, in relation to the long-term survival of the Species.
Hence we have global warming, huge imbalances in the distribution of wealth, massive misuse of the planet’s natural resources, and an attitude toward any form of Respectful and Uplifting manner so appalling, it really beggars-belief.
With the state’s and church’s (which, as much includes corporate business) ready propensity to load the memory-banks up with either unnecessary information, facts and knowledge, or to have the person’s mind assimilate known untruths into it’s perspective’s of life etc., I think there is bound to be a detrimental effect on the ol’ grey matter, eventually. Untruths must have a negative effect upon the mind’s ability to reason-through concepts and situations.
When the mind is constantly being asked to manipulate in-coming information to “fit” into the already uploaded stuff, if the “stuff” is based on untruths, I think(?), it is bound to create psychological “short-circuits”. These add to unreasonable thinking.
Christian mental processing, is in fact NOT thinking, but merely “circling dogma”, regurgitating learnt-by-rote statements and beliefs, none-of-which arise from Communion with the Divine Mind.
But, I suggest, instead, most Christian comment is “dug-up” from the memory-banks of the blind-faithful, people in fact “captured” by charismatic sorcerer-priests-and-rabbis, who themselves are sitting-back in the esoteric, occult Realm,, making havoc on the Earthly plane.
These, this, is what brings forth such rubbish as the Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.) policies in the minds of the “planners”, and such insanities as the “Star Wars”-type anti-missile defence-shields, etc.
The perverse Israeli attitude to Arab and Muslims has the same source;- for too long worshipping the “Golden Calf” of material wealth.
However, Jews knew also that material “riches” were essential to “social and cultural control”, thus the eventual ability to Invoke YHVH’s Lore - Law Unchangeable! I’d say they also knew that corruption was bound to occur as the tribe stumbled back-up the Mountain.
Nevertheless, this fatal fundamental error in the Judeo-Christian mind corrupts everything the fanatical Jew and Christian thinks and does.
Thus we have the governments of the wealthiest American, British and European nations swarmed with lobbyists and money or threats from the broad Judeo-Christian right(-wing), only too happy to send modern-day hypnotised Crusaders off to wipe-out Islam, making horrendous errors everywhere they aspire to sell big-mac’s and heroin.
As Christianity is underneath all Australian politics, our political thinking is terminally corrupt.
ALL CHANGE!!! We wish?!
Politics, is about the relationship between Human Beings and Human Beings, and, though the mainstream religio-political bodies go to “Absolute” extremes to avoid it, “politics” is also about the relationship between Human Beings and The LAND.
This boils down to Economics, or, the Most Economical Way to Live on Earth. That is; the Most Economical Way to Share Her Resources.
Solve this discrepancy, from where we are today, where “Humanity is excluded from secure (affordable) access to the necessary resources contained in Land to make the “group’s” existence unsustainable”, thence to an overall, Community-wide more Economical more even distribution of People upon the Land, and, I assert, we cure the need for religions, at least ones as fallen as Christianity.
LAND Justice, has always been a “global” issue, but is now more than ever, the main reason being the size now and expected increase of the Human population in the next decades.
Another reason for today’s generations to address LAND REFORM is our broadening range of “connections” across borders, languages, customs and race with all nations and tribes like never-before, which continue to alert a widening global populus about the actual situation, and that inequitable Land distribution is a-if-not-THE global issue.
Indeed, the socio-political turmoil happening across all continents and innumerable islands, upon further simple inquiry, will be seen to have it’s causes in this same inequitable Land distribution Issue. Estimates vary from 20 million to 60 million “landless” refugees, asylum-seekers, and tribes are wandering the globe, homeless and insecure today. The problem that makes them so, inequitable Land distribution, made so by centuries of BAD LAND LAWS, ignores the artificial “western”-imposed international borders.
Therefore any political organisation addressing the root of Social Justice - Equitable Land Distribution - needs/must be Global - transcending borders (almost all of which are “false”-and-therefore are extremely Uneconomical), transcending race, language and culture.
Here, I put to the reader, that now is the time for such a Global Political Organisation (G.P.O.).
I would name it “Land and Labor Global” to adopt the “modern” lingua franca in such “brandings”.
However, at once, I expect no “joiners”, for I would, being the Founder, ask too much of LLG’s membership - Meditation, Vegetarianism, Yoga or Tai Chi etc., - minimalist material lifestyles, all the ingredients for a religious cult.
Plus;- Agrarian living; “Organic” abodes; minimal reliance upon technology; home made beer and marijuana.
Plus; Education on Advocacy, Tutoring and Lobbying for LAND RENT for GOVERNMENT REVENUE.
Plus; Edificatory classes, evenings and courtyard discourses on the Philosophy of Knowing Thy Self.
Plus; An Ideologically-arrived-at Policy Charter, titled;
“Global Harmony Repolitic”
Faster than people can keep pace, the Human Life on Earth is shifting from ancient conservative roots, into a hazy new era of the 3rd Millennium CE., with all sorts of government and social designs and concepts being tried, most made manifest to continue the confusion, so the most powerful may remain so.
Yet never before has the possibility of a Globally United POLITICAL organisation existed which goes directly to the root of Political Justice. Land Reform!
The worldwide political parties that have been established, have been stretched to their limits, and beyond, by the numerous “forces” extant on Earth (and beyond) - primarily self-interested forces of the ‘establishment’ kind, deeply misguided as to where and how to place their allegiances, blindly committed to maintain division.
Contemplating the lot of those deep inside (and high-up in) a powerful political or religious organisation, must bring one to understand to some extent, the complicated nature of keeping it vital and relevant to the needs of the many, while maintaining the favour of the few. The few who, usually the benefactors and financiers, make such political organisations their own, so-as to maintain their power and hegemonic status, usually, but as-oft’ not of their want, to the disregard of the majority. Exactly how and why “religion” survives.
These complex political, religious and social situations have had to be.
The common lack of Divine Wisdom to Guide the many leaders and their states around or through whichever fracas arose, has also had to be a fundamental part of the Human Sojourn on Earth, so we may, at some stage, I put it that that is now, become Vigilant and Impartial Observers of the play and these sort of errors, or deficiencies - so we may be Rightly Prepared to review most all of our “Traditions” and Customs, many quite Sound and Profound though-they-be, in order to identify the original errors, expunge them and “move-on” to a Just and eventually Peaceful planet.
While corruption must always be guarded against, and the first place to be Watchful against it, is within one’s own mind, the nature of corruption - erroneous thinking - is that it exposes itself eventually.
Yeshua ben Joseph’s lines that “...all will be revealed...” and “...nothing remains hidden...” are as-it-happens, quite True. Corruption may well have been what He was referring to.
We see it in all places where power and the play for power is strongest - the church, synagogue, mosque and temple, et al, “big business” and government.
None of these sectors escape exposure for ever, nor for the relative “short-term”. History records an almost endless trail of revolutions to rid the social/economic structures of corrupt thinking, beliefs and the office-holders who sustain bad practices and laws etc.
I suspect few recognise that “Democracy” as we know it, is one of the most Revolutionary occurrences of all time.
But! While we are seduced by all-and-any means to believe that we live in “Democracies” in many nations, the facts are actually more brutal. A document I recently read, to do with Australia’s earliest white occupation, if it wasn’t the Australian Constitution, refers to us as a “potential democracy”. I think this is a significant point for commentators to absorb and consider for the next time they are tempted to say “We live in a Democracy, rah-rah-rah!”?
Behind the scenes of political power, further behind the political parties and their spin-offs than even the majority of high-level players get to see, all manner of manipulation and vicious wants to control the broadest-possible social structures are employed, with the effect that the majority are very-much controlled by the current ruling “few”.
This is very-much “the-same-as-it-ever-was”, and it still maintains the very old structures of power (including ‘esoteric’ power) as have existed for eons.
To be fooled into thinking that voting in any one of the established political parties will have any serious and Enlightened effect, is one of the most dangerous successes of the corrupt hegemony, and is a belief which must be cleaned-out of the minds of the People (Collective) everywhere, if Humanity is to survive anywhere near the present scale.
BUT, the line; “must be cleaned-out of the minds of the People”, reeks of fascist “re-education camps”. Therefore, Good Government can only make available the information, knowledge and facilities for People to freely help themselves.
By “survive” I mean not only to have some certainty that you’re preferred breakfast cereal will be available when you’re old and grey, but that the Species, our progeny, 500, one thousand two thousand years into the future, are sustained on Inalienable and Perennial Social Foundations; the Principle Legal Bases upon which all Life on Earth depends - “the Land/Labor relationship”. “How Human Beings interact with the source of all (Earthly) wealth - The LAND.”
Years ago it came to mind that “Human Justice is the ongoing Call of Mankind”. We, who are Blessed with the chance to contribute to Human development often still don’t recognise this, and that for Justice to “win”, “The Fight” so-to-speak, has to become the very Basis of our Soul - our Lifelong “Reason Detre” or “Reason for Being”.
Serendipity, Destiny, Chance or Fortune has had it that the forces the People need to overcome the deathly powers-of-the-past, should come together as they have in the 20th Century, to coalesce into precisely what I am now proposing as “born”, delivered, in these earliest years of the New Century/New Millennium.
Ninety-nine percent of the political players today know that their business is horrendously dirty, corrupt and largely beyond reform from within. Most of them know well that they are merely puppets to a large, unknown power, and I don’t mean the USA, or their corporations etc.
It is a dynastic thing, and is so pervasive across the planet that just knowing about it is almost totally disempowering. This is primarily why almost none of our current political players and parties are prepared to speak-out about the “bottom-line” political facts - Land Distribution.
But, for those on the side of futility, take heart, for they and their descendants are NOT the permanent heads of “Life-on-Earth”.
While the “mainstream” has been frightened this last decade by stories of Satan’s mates creeping-in behind these hereditary powerbrokers with dastardly threats and actions, to undermine and take-over the world, the persistent Advocates for Human Justice have been “plodding-on”, many in despair that they’re fighting a losing battle in a-world-gone-mad, what I will call “an Organic Symbiosis” has been taking-place, unbeknown to many of the most influential players.
To Properly describe this Quite Wonderful Phenomenon, I should trace it’s evolution back as far as I can, which might well mean going back, as I’m partial to do, to such interpretations and recordings of history as the Biblical “fall from the Garden of Eden”, and thus try to derive from it, it’s meanings and ramifications to Human Society today.
But that’s for another time. All we need to know here is that Organic Symbiosis has been working perpetually for the Good with Stealth and Power, and is now positioned to “re-arrange” things for the Better, but on a scale not yet seen on Earth.
On the political plane, the goal is Global Government.
A concept considered for about as long as Community leaders have been able to wonder.
The difference of what we, I, offer today is that power should be installed at the most “local” level as possible. In-the-extreme-most positive, this would be within the grasp of each and every person; Government of their own lives - Complete Personal Autonomy.
Perhaps the most Divine Dreams would make this as so, where all are fully awakened to how and why to behave, in our relationships with the Earth, with whatever First Principle we elect to believe in, and with all other Living Entities, to the extent that we do not have to fight with our consciences to refrain from “breaking” any Natural or manmade Laws.
This is how I see Pure Anarchy to be - where we know as Habit how to behave and interrelate Justly and Peacefully.
But, “Anarchy” is really just a name we seem to need to apply to one “way” or another, just like “Communism” or “fascism”, and only become different ideologies when we forget the Pure, unadulterated Basis of all relationships.
The True Mean we need more than ever to re-find today, which is what I am putting forward here, is way-before the divisions of manmade laws and methods of government.
And this is precisely why I am so adamant about the Primary Work of “cleaning our Souls” of erroneous information, gathered for generations, indeed for millennia, and as expressed by our most personal habits and uninspected discursive thinking and “circling dogma”.
These are particularly prevalent in religion, and as Christianity is the “religion” of the most powerful populations - ie., the “west”, it is where the most “cleaning” needs-must be done.
I have said “Christianity” here, but I include the Jewish religion also, for we all know how far from YHVH the powerful orders of Israel have wandered. I put-it that Christianity is in fact, allowing for a little exaggeration here, merely to give my case that much more “impact”, the actualiser of the Jewish religion’s plans, desires, wishes for a global Jewish Theocracy, doing the hard work that the Jews have been unable to do since Hitler, or perhaps since Jesus’ time, where the Jewish religion was already advanced in it’s decay. But there-again, I could “wax-lyrical” about the fallen condition of Judaism back as far as Rome’s first intervention into the middle east, or further back in time to the reputed fall-out between Moses and the “Golden Calf Tribes”.
What I’m leading to, is that today, for Humanity to Move Forward, as the spin-doctors like saying, the religions are more of an impediment to Human Justice and Survival than they are an advantage.
I have always refrained from getting stuck-into the Islamic Faith, because I am not living within it’s embrace. But one is surely dangerously naive to assume, merely because Islam was born out of a Profound recognition that the Faiths of the Jew and Christian were terribly astray, that Islam is any closer to Allah, or, is not corrupted to a dangerous degree.
So, to suggest that the Jewish and Christian religions needs/must be “dismantled” for Humanity to Progress beyond these warring centuries, infers also that religions in general must prove their veracity and must act to make Truly Progressive Contributions to Life on Earth, now and into the future.
“Truly Progressive Contributions” must, can only be those which add Wholly to every Human Beings Ability to Ascend closer to a world of Natural Order and Justice, whence only will come Personal and World Peace.
Land and Labor Global, would address these sticking-points, but not necessarily with the aim of ridding the planet of the anachronistic empire of religion.
While it suits us, we can say “history has shown, indeed proven, that a People cannot function without religion to console our vagrant Souls”. I say, that “While the untruths predominate across a Society about ‘how Human Beings are meant to relate with all things, including the incorporeal Spirit of God, Allah, YHVH, Tao, Ahura Mazda, Et Al’, the poor relation of “The Divine Life”; religions, have had to exist.”
However, when we have, by force, desperation, Providence, Self-Will or Divine Grace lifted our eyes to look beyond the parochial turmoil and distractions and massive confusion, and have seen that we are all responsible for a stable and secure Society-cum-Planet, as much as we are responsible for inhabiting a “clean” body, mind and Soul, and that there ARE undeniable, irrefutable and perennial scientific Facts about Life-on-Earth, which People themselves can Know are True, religions can remain a part of the Human Story - but on one condition! (The only option they’ve got!)
That they “fess-up!” by accounting for the full extent of their land ownership, by publicly admitting that Equitable Land Distribution is fundamental to Social, Human, Economic and Spiritual Justice, and that they are prepared to embrace the urgently needed and now, globally called-for Land Reforms.
After all, as we’re chatting about the predominant religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, were they Genuine or “True” about their Faiths, they would openly recognise that these basic Foundations of a Just Society are enshrined in their very own Scripture - Leviticus 25, and that NOW, is a Good Time to recall it to the fore of political, religious and Economic debate.
So, to a “clear head”, all three of these religions have no choice but to agree to the creation of the Planet’s newest political organisation - Land and Labor Global.
Otherwise, the forces of Hell, may have to be directed to begin the unceremonious dismantling of the dominant sects, “cults” as most branches have become.
Personally, I would lose no sleep if the all Christian churches were burnt to the ground, and all their clergy strung-up to their nearest lamp-posts, but it’s obvious that a non-violent method would be for the Better.
Also, in refrain from charring the churches, it must be said, ‘it is True that the mere “presence” of church structures through the western world’s cities, towns, villages and suburbs has “a calming effect” upon the People. The effect is very subtle, but I think is a quite important in steadying the Community.
2nd April 2004
For years I’ve been saying that starting a new political party is stupid, for it plays directly into the hands of those who profit most from social division - the ‘establishment’, the ‘plutocracy’, the fascist dogs at the top of the pile.
Besides, today’s politics is singularly about keeping the powers-that-be - the powers-that-be!
But lately I’ve been hit with a pleasant surprise. This being that the western world has been taken over by the lowest bastards on Earth - the “Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club” - and that they have in fact taken-up the Cause of Global Human Justice, in the form of Land Reform.
Now, this, Global Land Reform, is THE political issue of the last two to ten thousand years.
Some might call this a long bow to draw, but I put it that inequitable Land distribution has been the “bottomline” reason for the vast majority of injustices forced upon the heads and hearts of the vast majority of Human Beings. From a real-long-time-ago!
Therefore it should come as no surprise to read me saying that “If we cure this economic discrepancy, we will go a long-way towards curing the large majority of psychological, physical, social, political and Spiritual problems Human Beings battle with from day-to-day, which has got to be Good for World Peace”.
However, Land Reform cannot be marketed as the “Cure-All, the Panacea”, for more importantly, it’s ‘accomplice’ to World Justice and Peace, “Knowing Thy Self” is the Real Foundation of Personal and Global Peace.
“Knowing Thy Self” is the Imperative Preparation each person must put first, so-as to be able to Understand their world and it’s Proper, Unchanging, Perennial Land laws, and the Duties they have toward the Planets and the Gods, and to all other lives.
Recently I disqualified myself from becoming a (megalomaniac!?!) politician.
If I must, I’ll tell you that it was lil’ ol’ me who has been kicking at the Australian political scene, to the point of having Jeff Kennett discharged from the Victorian Premiership, and I accept full responsibility for the nationwide demise of the fascist Liberal party of Australia, having exposed them for being fascist demons - say no more!
More recently, I saved the ALP from further self-burial, so that, on-the-surface, they have re-United and show some promise of winning the next federal election.
Trouble is - I’ve been in denial about the amount of influence the Christian church has had on politics, and, on myself. Most recently, I made a decision about my own “brwain” and the amount of influence the church has been having in here, where they have been trying to make ME (r-r-really!?) their fucking saviour, mainly because they’re all too dogmatised to Messiah themselves.
I decided that they have been evil manipulators of my thoughts and of our society generally, for too long, and that IT HAS GOT TO STOP!!
Fuck the Church!
Another recent missive pens-about the politico-psychology of Judeo-Christian thinking, suggesting that it is the cause of most of the chaos we witness on Earth today.
Because of this, I put it that it is time for a political organisation which is free of the fucked-headedness of the churches and synagogue.
Until now, however, anyone dumb-enough, that-is ill-prepared or failing to Impartially consider the ‘Timing’, to attempt such a daring move, quickly came under the heavy boot of the powers-that-be for going outside the corrupt-but-accepted boundaries of long-corrupt political and religious ideology of, power-mongering and self-seeking.
Also, until now, not one organisation, large though they may have been, could have possibly succeeded in starting a global political organisation, and hoped to keep the agenda clear, clean and based on the True Facts, without subversives sneaking in and making the party a two-faced , ambiguous shemozzle, as most political organisations are today..
As I said, I recently disqualified myself from politics - but I’m still engaged in political philosophy, and policy formulation, but on the global scale.
Any serious political organisation of such a scale, from the beginning must be structured so-as to NOT need a single leader.
Obviously there has to be an initiator of the concept, the “Visionary”, but globally, one can not expect one person to be able to maintain any balanced control of the whole body. To expect that of One Person, is to make them a false God. We all know the dangers in that!
Therefore the organisation’s policies needs-must be simple and clear so that all adults may Understand them and so leaders on the local level can be easily appointed (and rotated), in line with the purist Democratic Ideology, based upon the most rudimentary “Community Knowledge” as Lore, “Law Unchanging”, or such.
Globally, there should be a simple and basic charter which addresses only the most important issues, so allowing for local Culture, Art, and (Local) Self-Sufficiency to bloom..
Naturally I put it that Land Rent for Government Revenue is the most important, but certainly, there is much Work for all of us to do in social, cultural, psychological and environmental areas. Therefore these remain in need of addressing, as “important political issues".
However, I have NO doubt that, with this Land Reform Philosophy and Practice in place, such lesser “concerns” will be diminished enormously.
In the Big Picture, as I grow older I see not “problems” but “situations”.
The World we know is made of the Mind.
As bad thinking can be educated from the Mind, so too therefore, can the bad things that happen in the world end, through education.
All it takes is the Will.
The larger the "situation", the larger the Will required to dissolve it.
The Will of the Collective, when centred in Right-Mindedness, is the Force Unstoppable against the widespread situation of tyrannical Land laws.
Give The People something to Believe in, Scientifically AND Spiritually, as an Unchanging Fact, as an Unchanging Truth, and we will dissolve the darkness of mind of those who fight daily with their Conscience and Inner-most Yearning for a Better World, and for a little Inner Peace.
It’s not over yet! There’s much Work to be done. But the latest “shift” in global powers, indicates that the Time is Right to begin these Fundamental Corrections.
May the Perfect Existence Be Your Inspiration
Worthy of further comment is the direct relationship between BAD LAND LAWS and the rise of “Freedom Fighters” who the ‘establishment’ calls “Terrorists”?!
[ This missive has gone out to Australian Unions, specific local and overseas news-media and political organisations, the USA Teamsters Union, and the list is growing.
Longer-term previewing beyond the 2004 Australian and US elections, visualises an unstoppable force for The Greater Good rectifying the errings of the current culture-fashions of the west over the next ten years significantly, but introducing a much longer-term, longer-looking political structure in any event.
Therefore, I put-it that we need not concern ourselves with Australia’s ALP Ascent, or that which may well be country-wide – the Call for Substantial Land Reforms -, for as we are now weighing the evidence for such as my “proposed” government policies of Land Rent for Government Revenue, and that “I” assert that this fits perfectly within the longest-term political policy-formation, we would want to be fairly careful in the actual implementation – of a certainty, a myriad-nay-an-army of Wisened Accountants and Philosophers and Sociologists have put decades of their lives into the theory of the Philosophy itself, and of “How?” a society might introduce Land Rent – so, as it happens, have I. And I say “Humanity is at the point, where we can confidently and fearlessly address the factors impeding the introduction of Land Rent for Government Revenue.”
This Progressive Action, by the International Armies of Advocates has been accelerated recently in 2004, as large illusory enemies have been dispelled, which means with passive Work, even outside of the election poles, the unavoidable impending Victory for Human Justice is at hand.
An adage of mine is “….Good things take time….”
By this I mean that each minute in such a phase is another opportunity for each of us to apply what we’ve learnt about the Other side of Justice and Peace – Focusing on the Inner Light – or whatever you Call It.
Every room in your House wants to be clean – to throw-in an ancient cliché. But I also mean that with each day, more People are being “connected” if-I-may, brought into our Global Circle, in the major cities as well as in the stoney desert regions of Afghanistan, and beyond.
I theorise, the more who know, the easier the transition.
Go for it!
Max No Difference]